Profiles of Australian Rowers, Officials, Coaches and Administrators
Surnames H-M
The names below represent the first thousand or so profiles, others are underway. Profiles are not full biographies nor are they all of high profile members of the sport. Profiles of anyone who has made a contribution to the sport as a rower, coach, administrator, umpire or in other ways, are included. Profiles can be submitted for publication to Published profiles will include the author's name and published date.
- Freeman, Ron
- Hadaway, E John
- Hahn, Allan G
- Hale, Geoffrey A
- Haley, Jack
- Hall, Binky
- Hall, Jennifer
- Hamdorf, Clarence E
- Hamilton, Anthony
- Hamilton, Fergus
- Hamilton, Michael
- Hamilton, Michelle
- Hammon, Ray
- Hanna, Leigh
- Hanna, Les
- Hannell, Clarence H
- Hannell, James
- Hannell, John
- Hansen, Rasmus R
- Hansford, H
- Harbeck, A Roy
- Harbeck, Arthur, P
- Hardie, James L
- Harding, Bette
- Harding Jud H
- Harding, Paul
- Harding, Reg E
- Harding, R Geoff
- Hargreaves, Jack
- Harrison, Jack Southern
- Harrison, John S
- Harrison, John Y
- Harry, John
- Harvey, Archibald T
- Harvey, James R
- Hastie, Geoffrey T
- Hatcher, Dennis
- Hauenstein, Henry "Harry"
- Hauser, Otto
- Hawkins, Elsie E
- Hawkins, John
- Hawkins, Stephen
- Hawkins, Stephen Snr
- Hawkins, Tim L
- Hayman, Brett
- Hayman, Gregory L
- Hayman, Joanne
- Hayman, Kerry
- Hayward, E
- Healey, Brian R
- Healey, Edward
- Healey, Peter J
- Heard, Sarah
- Hegerty, Francis
- Hemery, Robert C (Bob)
- Henderson, Mervyn
- Henderson, William Joseph
- Hendey, Lewis
- Henley, Charles J
- Henry, Alan M P
- Herford, Gary
- Heritage, Keith
- Hester, Meghan
- Hewitt, Neil
- Hewitt, Wade
- Hick, Bruce
- Hickey, Richard
- Hickey, William
- Hick, Frank
- Hicks, Josh
- Hidgcock, C W (Bill)
- Higgins, Mervyn B
- Higgs, H Edmund (Ted)
- Hill, Alexander
- Hill, Cliff
- Hill, Jack
- Hill, John
- Hill, Lance
- Hills, Richard G W
- Hinchy, Stephen
- Hind, Reginald A
- Hiscock, Norman T
- Hobson, Leslie J
- Hodges, Harry
- Hofsteede, Jeremy
- Hogan, Tim J
- Holloway, A
- Holloway, Alfred J
- Holloway, H W
- Holmes, William (Bill) H
- Holst, Brian (Sam)
- Holtham, William A
- Holton, R F
- Hood, B A
- Hood, Sir Joseph
- Hoof, Albert
- Hook, James
- Hookway, Russell
- Hookway, Sam
- Hooper, Joshua J
- Hope, Darryn
- Hope, T C
- Hopetoun, Seventh Earl
- Horder, CAPT George
- Horniman, Vicary
- Hornsey, Kate
- Horrie, Erik N
- Horsburgh, Edward "Teddy"
- Horsburgh, George F M
- Horsburgh, Jack A
- Horsburgh, William R
- Hosie, Russell W
- Howden, James G
- Howell, W Neville
- Howlett, Les
- Howson, John F (Jack)
- Hudson, John D
- Hudson, Nicholas
- Huggett, Peter
- Hughes, Harold B D
- Hughes, I P
- Hughes, Tom
- Hume Charles
- Hume, Jim T A
- Hume, Ken M
- Hunter, Nick
- Hunt, John A
- Hutcheson, Sydney
- Hyett, Geoff
- Hynes, Terence (Terry) Richard
- Hyslop, W H M
- Jack, Edwin
- Jackson, Don
- Jackson, Johanna
- Jackson, Norman
- Jackson, Stuart
- Jack, Tom
- Jacobs, C
- Jacobsen, Alan
- James, Craig
- James, John J
- James, M L (George)
- Jarvis, Walter E H
- Jeffreys, Charles R
- Jeffreys, Ralph S
- Jeffreys, Robert S
- Jelbart, James M (Kim)
- Jelbart, Kerry
- Jelbart, Ron J
- Jenkinson, Edward (Ted)
- Jenkinson, John E
- Jenner, Sebastian
- Jennings, William I
- Jickell, Ian
- Jobson, A J
- Jobson, B B
- Jobson, J
- Johnson, Anthony
- Johnson, Fred
- Johnson, H
- Johnson, Norman L
- Johnson, William (Bill) C
- Johnstone, John
- Johnstone, Robert
- Johnston, Ian D
- Johnston, T Campbell
- Joines, Neil
- Jones, B C (Bus)
- Jones, Edward 'Teddy'
- Jones, Herbert E
- Jones, Jack McD
- Jones, Phil L
- Jones, Rob A
- Jones, Yolanda
- Jonsson, Alfred
- Jopling, John
- Jordan, H T
- Jordan, Walter E
- Jordan, W H
- Joseph, Walter
- Joyce, D E (Dan)
- Joyce, Joseph
- Joyce, Justine
- Joyce, Rebecca
- Judd, Caroline
- Kane, Maurie
- Keenan, Simon
- Kellett, Charles E (Joe)
- Kelly, Benjamin G T
- Kelly, Frederick S
- Kemp, Joseph
- Kemp, Peter
- Kemp, William
- Kendall, Harold
- Kennedy, Alexander P
- Kennedy, L A
- Kennedy, S R
- Kennett, Henry Clifford
- Kenny, Anthony J W
- Kenny, Edward
- Kent, Milton C
- Kerrigan, Norman
- Kerr, J H
- Kerr, W R
- Kfouri, Zara
- Khourie, Fred
- Khourie, John
- Khourie, Nick
- Kinch, Edward
- King, Alfred
- King, Clarence Campbell
- King, Graeme
- Kingsley, George S
- Kingsley, William (Bill) J
- Kinsella, Alex
- Knight, Geoff
- Kohn, J
- Kortlang, Albert
- Kratz, Harold G
- Kratz, Hazel
- Krix, Ian
- Kuhne, Alfred G
- Kwiatkowski, Mark
- Lachal, Robert P
- Laird, May
- Lambert, A Cliff
- Lambert, Walter
- Lambert, William
- Lambie, Hugh T
- Lamb, Malcolm
- Lane, William G
- Lange, Trevor
- Lang, John
- Langley, Keith
- Langsford, Victor Francis
- Lapsley, James McF
- Lascelles, Francis H
- Last, Malcolm John
- Lawrence, Jack
- Lawrence, Jeff
- Lawson, Henry
- Le Compte, P G "Sam"
- Ledder, John R
- Lee, Islay R
- Lee, John A
- Lee, Susan
- Legge, Will
- Lehman, Charles
- Leslie, Cecil Park
- Lester, Albert E
- Lester, Edward R
- Lester, Frank J
- Lewis, Alf
- Lewis, Colin D
- Lewis, Hannah
- Lewis, Susie
- Liardet, Wilbraham Frederick Evelyn
- Liardet, Wilbraham Frederick Evelyn
- Libbis, Reg
- Lidwill, Dr Mark C
- Lillie, Alex
- Lindblade, Albert
- Lindgren, Harry
- Lind, Sir Albert E
- Lingham, Arthur R
- Linke, John
- Linlithgow, First Marquis
- Littlejohn, Charles W B
- Livingston, Douglas
- Livingstone, Tom
- Livingston, George
- Lloyd, Alexander
- Loch, Samuel
- Locke, Geoffrey R
- Lockington, J B
- Lockrey, R S
- Lockwood, William
- Lodding, Neil
- Lodding, W Alfred
- Logan, Clifton B
- Logan, George F
- Logan, Maureen
- London, Douglas
- London, Richard J
- Long, Christopher
- Long, Matthew
- Long, Michael
- Longmore. Robert G (Bob)
- Lord, Edward W
- Loud, Frederick
- Loughnan, A
- Loveless, A T
- Loveless, Ricky S
- Lovick, Samuel
- Lowe, H James M
- Lowe, L
- Low, W C
- Loxton, Percival
- Luff, R Kim
- Lupton, George M C
- Luxford, Ian
- Luxton, Lewis
- Lyndon, Robert (Bob)
- MacDonald, Iain A
- MacFarlane, James (Jim) M
- MacGregor, Andrew
- MacGregor, William P
- MacIntyre, Charles
- Mackenzie, George
- Mackenzie, Margaret
- Mackenzie, Stuart A M
- MacKinnon, Duncan
- Mackney, Kim
- Mackney, Walter
- Macmillan, Donald R T
- MacNaughton, M S
- Macrae, S C "Bill"
- Madden, Sir John
- Maddern, Herbert S
- Madigan, Cecil T
- Maginn, Adrian
- Magoffin, David
- Maher, Percival John Godfrey
- Mahoney, Harry
- Mahoney, Warwick
- Major, James F
- Maling, Henry C
- Malone, Jack 'Streak'
- Maloney, Angus
- Mann, Fiona
- Mann, Robert (Bob)
- Mansfield, George A
- Manton, Garth
- Marburg, James
- March, Ronald J S
- Marks, Edris
- Marley, Derek C
- Marr, J Fyffe
- Marsh, A Treve
- Marsh, T W (Tom)
- Martin, Emily
- Martyn, Brian
- Mason, Russell
- Mason, Steve
- Mason, V F
- Masters, Timothy W
- Mathews, Richard J
- Matthews, Richard J
- Matthews, W J
- Maxwell. Allan V
- Maxwell, G A
- Maxwell, Wilfred Armstrong
- May, Alan
- May, Geoff E
- Mayne, Joel
- McAlister, J
- McBride, Allen James
- McBrien, Likely H
- McCall, Graeme
- McCallum, Neil
- McCann, Harold
- McCarthy, Lyall
- McDonald, James
- McDonald, J Wilson
- McDonald, Thomas J S
- McDonell, Charles
- McDougall, Eric A
- McFarlane, Patrick
- McGill, Stuart
- McGilvray, Stanley J
- McGorm, Stanley B
- McGregor, William F
- McGuire, Albion (Alby)
- McIlroy, George
- McKay, Cecil N
- McKay, Eric Brodie
- McKay, Michael
- McKay, Reginald N
- McKenna, Michael F
- McKenzie, C
- McKenzie-McHarg, Cameron
- McKeown, James K
- McKie, J
- McLean, A Russell
- McLean, John
- McLeish, Alex W
- McLennan, Len H
- McLeod, Hugh
- McLeod, John S
- McLeod, Norman
- McMahon, Geoff
- McMahon, Kevin J A
- McMahon, Vince
- McMinn, Broadley C
- McNamara, Alice
- McNamara, Hon. Patrick J
- McNamee, Greg
- McNeil, Andrew
- McPherson, Lachlan
- McQueen, Jack
- McVilly, Cecil L
- McWhirter, Ian
- Meares, Fred T D
- Meek, Henry
- Meens, Alexander
- Meyer, T
- Michelmore, Andrew G
- Middleton, Sydney A
- Middleton, Victor R
- Middleton, William J
- Midgley, Janet
- Millard, Josephine
- Miller, Alexander P "Streak"
- Miller, Mark
- Millican, Glen
- Minford, John
- Mitchell, Alexander (Sandy)
- Mitchell, David F
- Mitchell, Henry
- Mitchell, James
- Mitchell, Robert
- Mitchell, Ron G
- Mole, Wilf B
- Molle, W E
- Monger, Adrian
- Monteath, Charles
- Monteath, Charles Duncan
- Moore, Angus
- Moore, Arthur F
- Moore, Harley
- Moore, John
- Moore, Roger L
- Moor, Frederick C
- Morell, Robert C
- Morell, Sir Stephen
- Morgan, Deane J R
- Morgan, Michael D
- Morganti, John (Jack) F
- Morphett, Frederick J
- Morphett, Hurtle C
- Morris J H
- Morrison, Jessica
- Morrison, J R
- Morrison, Lindsay
- Morrison, S S
- Morrison, William T
- Morshead, Ernest D
- Moses, Abraham R "Ralph"
- Mossong, Vic
- Mounsey, John "Jack" L
- Muir, Laurie H
- Muir, Norman S
- Mulcahy, Jack J
- Munn, Fiona
- Murphy, Graeme
- Murray, A G