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australian rowers profiles and history

Arthur F Moore

Mercantile Rowing Club (VIC)

The Club's 1930-31 annual report reported: "It is with great regret we record the death during the season of Mr Arthur Moore, who figured prominently as a member during the early history of the Club".

The 1905-06 annual report includes the following image of winning crews that season which included Arthur Moore.

Race wins

1902 - Upper Yarra Regatta, men's maiden eight, 5 seat - First

1905 - Ballarat Regatta, men's junior four, three seat - First

1905 - Seymour Regatta, men's junior pair, bow - First

1906 - Henley on Yarra, men's senior four, bow - First

1906 - Seymour Regatta, men's senior four, three seat - First

1906 - Bairnsdale Regatta, men's senior four, three seat - First

1906 - Victorian Champion Four, men's senior four, bow - First

1909 - Ballarat Regatta, men's senior eight, seven seat - First

1911 - Vice-Captain of the Club

Andrew Guerin
December 2021


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