Captain George Horder

Mercantile Rowing Club (VIC)
The following obituary is contained in the Mercantile Rowing Club annual report for 1951-52 season.
George Horder was a member for many years, and as well as being a committeeman for an extended period, he was Captain of the Club in the 1932/3 season. He competed with success in a number of regatta crews, and was at all times a splendid Clubman. He took an active part in our Social activities, for which his cheerful personÂality made him particularly well fitted.
As a soldier, Captain Horder had a fine career. After serving throughout the 1914/18 war he continued to take an active interest in the Volunteer forces, and despite the fact that he was actually beyond the age for enlistment for the 1939/1945 war, his special qualifications enabled him to join the A.I.F. After service in the Middle East, he returned to Australia, but shortly afterwards went to Malaya. On the fall of Singapore he became a prisoner of the Japanese, and was in Changi Camp for 3.5 years. The severe privations which he suffered there, took a severe toll of his health, and only his splendid physique enabled him to survive. He was in bad shape for some time after his return to Australia, but made a remarkable recovery and appeared to have regained his normal health. Consequently it came as a surprise when he fell victim to the illness which resulted in his death.
Members will recall the dignity with which he conducted the annual ANZAC ceremony at the Clubhouse wearing full military uniform.
Extracted by Andrew Guerin
October 2020