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History of Australian University Championships Rowing

Mixed Eight, Australian University Championships

This is a recent event which is raced over 1000 metres with equal numbers of males and females.

2007 Victorious Sydney University Mixed Eight

Australian Universities' Mixed Eight Race
Year First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth
2004 Melbourne Tasmania-Hobart Western Australia Monash Sydney Newcastle
2005 Sydney Melbourne Queensland Macquarie New South Wales ADFA
2006 Melbourne Sydney Macquarie Monash New South Wales ANU
2007 Sydney Melbourne Queensland ANU Griffiths  
2008 Sydney Melbourne Queensland Adelaide Monash ADFA
2009 Sydney Melbourne =3rd Queensland =3rd Monash Adelaide Newcastle
2010 Sydney Western Australia Monash Adelaide    
2011 Final cancelled - heat winners Melbourne and Sydney          
2012 Melbourne Adelaide Monash USA ANU  
2013 Sydney Melbourne Monash New South Wales ANU Newcastle
2014 Sydney Queensland UTS Melbourne Monash Griffith
2015 Sydney Queensland Melbourne New South Wales Griffith Monash






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