1955 Australian University Championships— Brisbane River, Brisbane QLD
The Championship was conducted over a three mile course on the Hamilton Reach on 4th June 1955. Due to lack of entries, the Sculling Championship was not conducted.
Melbourne University won for the sixth successive time. Queensland jumped out of the start to take an early lead which they maintained for about a mile. Melbourne rowed through them at that point and went onto an easy win.
Men's Eight
Time: 17 mins 54.5 secs
Margins: 8 & 5 lengths
1st Melbourne University - Bow: Jack G Gibb, 2: Ian E Douglas, 3: John R Colville, 4: Hugh F Smith, 5: Michael H Aikman, 6: James G Howden, 7: Adrian C Monger, Str: Clive J Smith, Cox: Richard G Hyett, Cch: Lloyd S Williams, Emerg: A R Bartram
2nd University of Queensland - Str: D S Kronfeld Bow: R Davidson, 2: R Withers, 3:
Graham Brown, 4: Don Gutteridge, 5: Anthony Lawton, 6: R Andrew, 7: Jim Kerr, Str: David Kronfeld, Cox: T Kingston, Reserve: G Benson, Cch: Norm Hirst
3rd Sydney University - Str: M A Minns
MUBC take the lead at the one mile mark