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History of the Queensland GPS Head of the River rowing regatta

2000 QLD GPS Head of the River

The 78th boys Head of the River was conducted on Saturday 25th March 2000 at Lake Wivenhoe, Queensland. 

Organising Committee

Great Public Schools' Association

Open Championship First Eight

The O'Connor Cup

Distance: 2000 Metres

Winning Time: 5:58.00


0.5 Length (1-2)

1st The Southport School - Bow: Eugene Arenson, 2: John Fyfe, 3: Craig Sanderson, 4: Phil Whitten, 5: Paul Attwood, 6: Josh Graham, 7: Brad Morgan, Str: Mitch Campbell, Cox: Michael Clarke, Coach: Michael Partridge

2nd Anglican Church Grammar School - Bow: S. Speed, 2: A. Keilly, 3: D. Hoare, 4: A. Baillie, 5: J. Carruthers, 6: S. Harper, 7: N. Coorey, Str: T. Reeves, Cox: T. Spottswood, Coach: Peter A. Jell

3rd Brisbane Grammar School

4th Brisbane Boys' College

5th Gregory Terrace - Bow: Nick Braban, 2: Stephen Anderson, 3: Paul Christensen, 4: Jonathan O'Loan, 5: Daniel Gardiner, 6: Sean Ryan, 7: David Nelson, Str: Peter Winkle, Cox: David Clarke, Coaches: Mr. John Bowes & Mr. Simon Daly

6th Brisbane State High School

photo from newspaper

photo from newspaper

newspaper article

Page 148, The Sunday Mail, 22 March 2000 Edition

Anglican Church Grammar School First VIII

2000 Anglican Church Grammar School First VIII

S. Harper (6), D. Hoare (3), A. Baillie (4), T. Reeves (stroke), T. Spottswood (cox, N. Coorey (7), A. Keily (2), S. Speed (bow), J. Carruthers (6)

The 2000 Anglican Church Grammar Six seat, Sebastian Harper, represented the Australian team twice and the 2004 & 2005 Under 23 World Championships in the Coxless four and the Eight respectively. Harper also rowed in the winning 2002 Queensland crew at the Noel F. Wilkinson Youth VIII Trophy and again competed in 2003. In 2003, Harper rowed for Queensland at the Australian Rowing Championships and rowed in the Under 23 Coxless Four and Under 23 VIII at the 2004 championship. The cox of the same Churchie Crew, Tom Spottswood, competed for Queensland at the 2000 Australian Rowing Championships in the Junior Coxed Four

T. Reeves, the stroke of the runner-up 2000 Anglican Church Grammar School First VIII, was the recipient of the 2000 MacIntyre Cup which is awarded the most all-rounded Churchie sportsman of the year.

In 2003, To recognise 20 years of coaching service to Churchie rowing, Anglican Church Grammar School honoured Dr Peter Jell, coach of the runner up crew in the 2000 Head of the River, by christening a new eight-oared racing boat in his name.

Open Second Eight

Distance: 2000 Metres

Winning Time: 6:15.01

1st The Southport School

2nd Brisbane Boys' College

3rd Gregory Terrace - Bow: John Currie, 2: Tim Usasz, 3: Daniel Mahon, 4: Michael Larkins, 5: Ben McConaghy, 6: Andrew Stack, 7: Eamonn Katter, Str: Josh Corbett, Cox: Mitchell Rosenlund, Coaches: Josh Beckwith, Matt Toon

4th Anglican Church Grammar School - Bow: R. Keech, 2: S. Kemp, 3: N. Kelly, 4: C. Bethel, 5: R. Douge, 6: R. Howden, 7: S. Drake, Str: W. J. Alexander, Cox: N. Castle, Coach: B. Burley & T. Kelly

5th Brisbane State High School

6th Brisbane Grammar School

Open Third Eight

Distance: 2000 Metres

Winning Time: 6.20.00

1st The Southport School

2nd Brisbane Grammar School

3rd Anglican Church Grammar School - Bow: D. Pettigrew, 2: R. Lawrence, 3: K. Cameron, 4: P. Moran, 5: D. Jennins, 6: H. Anning, 7: J. Rawlings, Str: J. Newstad, Cox: S. Armstrong, Coach: A. Cutts

4th Brisbane Boys' College

5th Gregory Terrace

Open Fourth Eight

Distance: 2000 Metres

Winning Time: 6.20.00

2nd Anglican Church Grammar School - Bow: C. Bladwell, 2: R. Gilby, 3: A. Reichman, 4: A. Nelson, 5: C. Carter, 6: A. Duncan, 7: P. Daly, Str: M. Middlemiss, Cox: D. Pullan, Coach: D. Newstead

Under 16 First Eight

Distance: 2000 Metres

Winning Time: 6:15.00

1st The Southport School

2nd Brisbane Boys' College

3rd Gregory Terrace - Bow: James Kirby, 2: Brendan Perry, 3: Paul Barber, 4: Tom Vanderloos, 5: Kevin Twomey, 6: Sean Rowe, 7: Simon Sponza, Str: Ben Butler, Cox: Steven Cornell, Coaches: Rob McNeil & Chris Oneto

4th Brisbane Grammar School

5th Anglican Church Grammar School - Bow: M. Davis , 2: T. Warriner, 3: H. Button, 4: J. Wilson, 5: L. Burns, 6: R. Hoyes, 7: D. Lewis, Str: J. Black, Cox: H. Walsh, Coach: D. Scott & D. Hanham

6th Brisbane State High School

Under 16 Second Eight

Distance: 2000 Metres

Winning Time: 6:24.00

1st Anglican Church Grammar School - Bow: M. Rees, 2: T. Treloar, 3: J. Rae, 4: L. Walker, 5: M. Rabbidge, 6: C. Keyes, 7: S. Wynn, Str: G. Delahaye, Cox: C. teKloot, Coach: S. Fraser

2nd Brisbane Boys' College

3rd Gregory Terrace - Bow: James Kenny, 2: Jack Stevenson, 3: Ryan Lomsargis, 4: Mitchell Spowart, 5: Kevin Tanner, 6: Francesco Tigari, 7: Luke Bertini, Str: Nicholas Marrinan, Cox: Jan Novak, Coaches: Mr. Christian Oneto & Mr. Paul Christensen

4th Brisbane State High School

5th Brisbane Grammar School

6th St. Joseph's Nudgee College

7th The Southport School

Under 16 Third Eight

Distance: 2000 Metres

Winning Time: 6:56.20

1st Brisbane Boys' College

2nd The Southport School

3rd Brisbane Grammar School

4th Gregory Terrace - Bow: Dino Vekic, 2: David Simpson, 3: Jeff Tanner, 4: Simon Clarke, 5: Andrew Hodge, 6: Robert Freeman, 7: Conor Power, Str: Geoff Cremin, Cox: Jonathan Kopinski, Coaches: Matthew Cole & Michael Horrigan

5th Anglican Church Grammar School - Bow: M. Leslie, 2: M. Cranstoun 3: J. Holtz, 4: R. Clarkson, 5: J. Kelly, 6: G. Cocolas, 7: C. Beem, Str: G. Robinson, Cox: C. Bush, Coach: P. Oxenford

Under 15 First Four

Distance: 1500 Metres

Winning Time: 5:11.00

1st Brisbane Boys' College

2nd St. Joseph's Nudgee College

3rd Anglican Church Grammar School - Bow: R. Bird , 2: G. Churchill, 3: D. Pitt, Str: T. Nelson, Cox: J. Hammond, Coach: S. Williamson

4th Brisbane Grammar School

5th The Southport School

6th Brisbane State High School

7th Gregory Terrace - Bow: Tom Beaton, 2: Tom Hall, 3: Matthew Horrocks, Str: David Hanson, Cox: Patrick Kelly, Coaches: Matthew Bint & Michael Toon

Under 15 Second Four

Distance: 1500 Metres

Winning Time: 5:19.20

1st Anglican Church Grammar School - Bow: T. Merri, 2: A. Cook, 3: C. Hardie, Str: D. Quartermass, Cox: A. Caswell, Coach: M. Veale

2nd Brisbane Boys' College

3rd Gregory Terrace - Bow: Robert McConachie, 3: PaulO'Brien, Str: David Robertson, Cox: Lachlan Nally, Coach: Mr. Chris Galt

4th The Southport School

5th Brisbane State High School

Under 15 Third Four

Distance: 1500 Metres

Winning Time: 5:25.00

1st Brisbane Grammar School

2nd Brisbane Boys' College

3rd Gregory Terrace - Bow: Chris Jardim, 2: Mitchell Spowart, 3 Luke Bertini, Str: Matthew Gilbride, Cox: Paul Clarke, Coaches: Mr. Scott Warren & Mr. David Zajdlewicz

4th Anglican Church Grammar School - Bow: R. Batstone, 2: D. Alexander, 3: R. Langton, Str: O. Bowler, Cox: D. Wright, Coach: C. Quarterman

5th St. Joseph's Nudgee College

6th The Southport School

7th Brisbane State High School

Under 15 Fourth Four

Distance: 1500 Metres

Winning Time: 5:40.10

1st Brisbane Grammar School

2nd Brisbane Boys' College

3rd Anglican Church Grammar School - Bow: B. Stretton, 2: R. Bethel, 3: B. Roberts, Str: B. Duffy, Cox: P. Goodridge, Coach: G. Keily

4th The Southport School

5th Gregory Terrace - Bow: Nicholas Marrinan, 2: Mark Silver, 3: Ben Chardon, Str: Ben Farrell, Cox: Brendan Winkle, Coaches: Mr. Daniel Delahunty

6th Brisbane State High School

Under 15 Fifth Four

Distance: 1500 Metres

Winning Time: 5:49.00

1st Brisbane Grammar School

2nd Anglican Church Grammar School - Bow: R. Bloomfield, 2: J. Millett, 3: A. Daunt, Str: A. Allen, Cox: J. Burley, Coach: R. Dorrstein

3rd Gregory Terrace - Bow: Nathan Forbes, 2: Jack Stevenson, 3: Nick Walker, Str: Chris Eastwood, Cox: Christian Vitale, Coaches: Geoff Galt, Tom Cowan, Glen McIntosh, Mark Howes

4th The Southport School

5th Brisbane Boys' College

6th St. Joseph's Nudgee College

7th Brisbane State High School

Under 15 Sixth Four

Distance: 1500 Metres

Winning Time: 5:43.80

1st Anglican Church Grammar School - Bow: L. Dunsdon, 2: J. Bach, 3: M. Graves, 4: S. McNaughton, Cox: L. Bennett, Coach: F. Dorrstein

2nd Brisbane Grammar School

3rd Gregory Terrace - Bow: Chris Henderson, 2: Liam Barrett, 3: Nicholas Bond, Str: Zachary Walsh, Cox: Ryan Nally, Coaches: Geoff Galt, James Doyle & David Wallis

4th Brisbane Boys' College

5th The Southport School

Under 15 Seventh Four

Distance: 1500 Metres

1st Anglican Church Grammar School - Bow: A. Dixon, 2: J. Fitgerald, 3: H. Lang, Str: D. Cattanach, Cox: A. Hosking-Potts, Coach: J. Cutts

Under 15 Eighth Four

Distance: 1500 Metres

2nd Anglican Church Grammar School - Bow: J. Sinclair, 2: A. Oswald 3: J. Park, Str: B. Rutledge, Cox: n/a, Coach: J. Cook


Pages 125-138, St. Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace School Newsletter 2000

GPS Head of the River Rowing Championships - Open First VIII Winners

Page 138, The Sunday Mail, Sunday March 26th 2000 Edition

Page 148, The Sunday Mail, Sunday March 26th 2000 Edition

Churchie Rowing by Peter Jell, published by Anglican Church Grammar School 

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