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History of the Queensland GPS Head of the River rowing regatta

1982 QLD GPS Head of the River

The 60th boys Head of the River was conducted on Saturday 27th March 1982 at Hinze Dam, Queensland.



Organising Committee:

Great Public Schools Association

Open Championship First Eight

The O'Connor Cup

Distance: 2000 Metres 

Winning Time: 6:19.00


+ 0.05s (1-2)

+ 4s (2-3)

1st Gregory Terrace - Bow: Ian Carroll, 2: Simon O'Kane, 3: Adam Rolfe, 4: John Tyquin, 5: Andrew Rolfe, 6: Mark Frawley, 7: Jon Leutenegger, Str: Pat O'Keeffe, Cox: John. Lincoln, Coach: Gary Merritt 

2nd Brisbane Grammar School

3rd Brisbane Boys' College

4th Church of England Grammar School - Bow: G. Nation, 2: J. S. Miles, 3: M. Gollscheweski, 4: B. D. Graham, 5: D. W. Wagner, 6: W. R. Abbott, 7: P. T. Stone, Str: L. D. Hinckfuss, Cox: E. J. Quayle, Coach: G. J. Kernot

5th The Southport School

6th Brisbane State High School

P. T. Stone, the seven seat in the 1982 Anglican Church Grammar School First VIII, was the 1982 recipient of the MacIntyre Cup awarded to the most all-round Churchie sportsman of the year. 

1982 Victorious Gregory Terrace First VIII

1982 Church of England Grammar School First VIII

Open Second Eight

Distance: 2000 Metres

1st The Southport School

2nd Brisbane Boys' College

3rd Brisbane Grammar School

4th Church of England Grammar School - Bow: M. J. Roberts, 2: D. A. Quayle, 3: S. C. Crumblin, 4: M. K. Main, 5: M. G. Thompson, 6: A. A. Little, 7: R. A. Hooper, Str: D. C. Chandler, Cox: P. J. Tierney

5th Gregory Terrace - Bow: P, Corcoran, 2: J. Clarke, 3: J. McNamee, 4: R. Pope, 5: K. Bodman, 6: J. House, 7: S. Cioccarelli, Str: G. Reardon, Cox: J. O’Brien

Open First Four

Distance: 1000 Metres

1st Gregory Terrace - Bow: David Wilkinson, 2: David Arnold, 3: Michael Pollard, Str: Peter West, Cox: Steven McIntyre

2nd The Southport School

3rd Brisbane Boys' College

Other Competing Crews:

Church of England Grammar School - Bow: S. V. Cox, 2: D. C. Harkin, 3: J. C. Dutton, Str: C. G. Passi, Coach: R. Magnusson

1982 Victorious Gregory Terrace First IV 

Open Second Four

Distance: 1000 Metres

1st Gregory Terrace - Bow: J. Lynch, 2: D. Trad, 3: D. De Donatis, Str: S. Denholm, Cox: C. Reardom

2nd Brisbane Boys' College

3rd Brisbane Grammar School

Other Competing Crews:

Church of England Grammar School - Bow: S. C. Padget, 2: G. R. Kennedy, 3: M. W. King, Str: G. J. Way, Cox: J. W. de Wytt, Coach: R. Magnusson

Open Third Four

Distance: 1000 Metres

1st Brisbane Boys' College

2nd Brisbane Grammar School

3rd Gregory Terrace - Bow: n/a, 2: M. Sopinski, 3: M. Taylor, Str: R. Schauer, Cox: E. J. Taylor

Other Competing Crews:

Church of England Grammar School - Bow: W. I. Ringrose, 2: L. B. Hart, 3: J. F. Blake, Str: T. J. Nicholls, Cox: A. Roach

Open Fourth Four

Distance: 1000 Metres

1st Brisbane Boys' College

2nd Brisbane Grammar School 

3rd Gregory Terrace - Bow: P. J. Ellis, 2: C. R. Barrett, 3: H. B. Ditchfield, Str: R. D. Walker, Cox: P. E. Waugh, Coach: D. Barrett

Other Competing Crews:

Church of England Grammar School - Bow: R. Aspinall, 2: A. Owen, 3: P. Fitzgerald, Str: G. Andrew, Cox: C. Aspinall, Coach: D. Barrett

Under 16 First Eight

Distance: 1500 Metres

1st Brisbane Boys' College

2nd The Southport School

3rd Brisbane State High School

Other Competing Crews:

Church of England Grammar School - Bow: B. G. Moore, 2: R. P. Atkins, 3: W. P. Apel, 4: P. J. Oxenford, 5: J. F. Skerl, 6: B. J. Wagner, 7: J. G. Meyer, Str: A. B. Bradley, Cox: G. Petelin

Gregory Terrace - Bow: P. Stapleton, 2: M. Russell, 3: K. Matson, 4: M. Liddy, 5: D. English, 6: M. Ghiraldelli, 7: L. Di. Clemente, Str: A. Clarke, Cox: P. McDowall

Under 16 First Four

Distance: 1000 Metres

1st The Southport School

2nd Brisbane Boys' College

3rd Brisbane Grammar School

Other Competing Crews:

Church of England Grammar School - Bow: P. J. Stevens, 2: T. P. Lamars, 3: M. P. Brazier, Str: D. M. Hartey, Cox: J. W. de Wytt, Coach: P. Wade, Cox: B. M. O’Carroll 

Gregory Terrace - Bow: S. Munro, 2: K. Coghlan, 3: L. Murphy, Str: N. Abrahams, Cox: J. Stitt

Under 16 Second Four

Distance: 1000 Metres

1st Brisbane Grammar School

2nd The Southport School

3rd Gregory Terrace - Bow: A. Musgrave, 2: M. Liddy, 3: S. Arnold, Str: K. Matson, Cox: A. Murphy

Other Competing Crews:

Church of England Grammar School - Bow: S. J. Waddington, 2: D. R. Cool, 3: M. J. Skinner, Str: S. R. Fraser, Cox: A. R. Gosbell, Coach: P. Wade 

Under 16 Third Four

Distance: 1000 Metres

1st Brisbane Grammar School

2nd Gregory Terrace - Bow: M. Campbell, 2: A. Carrick, 3: A. Conroy, Str: M. Dillman, Cox: B. Long

3rd The Southport School

Other Competing Crews:

Church of England Grammar School - Bow: S. J. Health, 2: J. C. Bryant, 3: A. C. Clegg, Str: G. A. Wilson, Cox: A. D. Skells, Coach: B. Greenland 

Under 16 Fourth Four

Distance: 1000 Metres

1st Brisbane Boys' College

2nd Brisbane Grammar School

3rd Church of England Grammar School - Bow: A. A. Richards, 2: D. J. Quodling, 3: M. F. Seymour, Str: A. R. Elison, Cox: R. R. Sedgwick, Coach: W. Hughes 

Other Competing Crews:

Gregory Terrace - Bow: M. Gilvarry, 2: P. Simpson, 3: M. Cumes, Str: S. Swanson, Cox: P. Pratt

Under 15 First Four

Distance: 1000 Metres

1st Brisbane Boys' College

2nd Brisbane State High School

3rd The Southport School 

Other Competing Crews:

Church of England Grammar School - Bow: M. J. Tierney, 2: R. A. Danen, 3: B. Shaxon, Str: D. G. Maxwell, Cox: D. Ethell

Gregory Terrace - Bow: J. Wilkinson, 2: D. McNamee, 3: J. Tiffin, Str: n/a, Cox: M. Meehan

Under 15 Second Four

Distance: 1000 Metres

1st Brisbane Boys' College

2nd Brisbane Grammar School

3rd Gregory Terrace  - Bow: M. Rochester, 2: S. Foster, 3: T. Browne, Str: S. Gassman, Cox: J. Hayes

Other Competing Crews:

Church of England Grammar School - Bow: M. R. Magnussen, 2: T. F. Wood, 3: T. I. Herbert, Str: H. L. Bowman, Cox: D. Ethell 

Under 15 Third Four

Distance: 1000 Metres

1st Brisbane Boys' College

2nd Church of England Grammar School - Bow: C. P. Crumblin, 2: E. J. Bracey, 3: J. K. Marshall, Str: B. C. Hinckfuss, Cox: A. D. Gregor, Coach: J. Waddington 

3rd Gregory Terrace - Bow: R. Rance, 2: P. Tyquin, 3: R. Bolton, Str: J. Burton, Cox: D. Corser

Under 15 Fourth Four

Distance: 1000 Metres

1st Brisbane Grammar School

2nd Brisbane Boys' College

3rd Church of England Grammar School - Bow: D. S. Brown, 2: C. Cunningham, 3: J. M. Ditchfield, Str: J. R. Stone, Cox: C. J. Hodson, Coach: J. Waddington 

Other Competing Crews:

Gregory Terrace - Bow: M. Vivanti, 2: A. Vitanza, 3: R. Pigott, Str: J. O’Kane, Cox: P. McCrossin 


Queensland Rowing 1880-1995 by Jack Pritchard, published by Rowing Queensland

Churchie Rowing by Peter Jell, Published by Anglican Church Grammar School 

1982 St. Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace School Newsletter

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