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History of the Queensland GPS Head of the River rowing regatta

1969 QLD GPS Head of the River

The 1969 Head of the River was conducted on Saturday April 12th 1969 on the Milton Reach of the Brisbane River. 

Below is an article from the Courier-Mail describing the Churchie First VIII as the favoured crew for the O'Connor Cup.

Rowing looks to be all Churchie

A new coach, a new boat and a crew with proven skill and strength look like taking the Head of the River for Churchie this afternoon on the Milton Reach in the G.P.S. regatta. 

Churchie’s favouritism for the classic boat race is justified. Churchie has been consistently winning races. IN some cases these have been only the narrowest of margins - 2ft, at the State High regatta two weeks ago. Churchie has been spending just as much time on bank workouts as on the water and after last week’s 2000 metres win must be one of the strongest crews, if not the fastest. Churchie plans a half hour of light and bright rowing this morning together with a few starts.

The B.B.C. crew is comprised mainly of sub-seniors but with their stylish rowing - typical of Dave Magoffin coaching - they could slip up lane one and win. B.B.C. won the Head of the River last year from this lane. Stat High is coached by rowing old boy George Petlin, who favours a high-rating style and they should be among the early leaders. Brisbane Grammar row-catch style, dead-heated with State High two weeks ago in their first regatta appearance. They are situated next to Churchie in lane five and could be a danger.

The Head will start at 3 p.m. when the tide will be dead low.”

Page 24, The Courier-Mail, Saturday April 12th 1969


Organising Committee 

Great Public Schools'Association 

All Schools' Championship First Eight

The O'Connor Cup

Distance: 2000 Metres 

Winning Time: 6:05.00


0.75 Length (1-2)

0.75 Length (2-3)

1st Church of England Grammar School - Bow: Peter J. Miller, 2: Charlie C. Cox, 3: Mick D. Kelly, 4: David H. James, 5: John. D. Brand, 6: David J. Murray, 7: Glen F. Cameron, Str: John. D. Woolley, Cox: William. D. Glasson, Coach: Jon Piper 

2nd Brisbane State High School  

3rd Brisbane Boys’ College  

4th Brisbane Grammar School - No. 4: T. Porter

5th Gregory Terrace - Bow: M. McCann, 2: D. Kelleher, 3: J. Curr, 4: C. White, 5: M. Doyle, 6: S. Thomsen, 7: M. Witty, Str: A. Ferris, Cox: D. Splatt

6th The Southport School 

The Victorious 1969 Church of England Grammar School First VIII

Action Shot:

1969 Gregory Terrace First VIII

In 1970, the Churchie rowing shed honoured Edith James by naming a boat in her honour. Edith and Mansell James had three sons at Churchie. David James, the youngest rower in the victorious Head of the River crew of 1969. Mansell James was for many years the secretary and a life member of the Parents & Friends’ Association and Chairman of the school rowing committee in 1968 -1969. The James’s home, a large and friendly place beside Langlands Park, was regularly the venue for social functions, usually a barbeque, for the Churchie family. For some years in the late 60s and 70s the rowers were invited to a barbeque at the James’ home on the night of the Head of the River. Edith James was a very hard working parent for both Churchie and Somerville House. She was among the first to volunteer whenever any fundraising occasion was presented. She was always cheery and nothing was too much trouble for Edith and Mansell. The School and the Rowing Club were fortunate to have had supporters of their inclination.

It is with great thanks to Peter Jell who provided us with the above history regarding the Leif Ericson and the James Family. 

The Race Described

Distance: 2000 Metres 

Winning Time: 6:05.00


0.75 Length (1-2)

0.75 Length (2-3)

CHURCH of England Grammar School’s mature rowing schoolboys took the school’s first G.P.S. Head of the River in six years on Milton Reach Yesterday. It was a masterly performance in choppy water as the “Churchie” crew, maintaining a low 34-stroke rating, slid home three-quarters of a length clear of State High

Brisbane Boys’ College were another three quarters of a length away third. It was also a triumph for American coach Jon Piper who is in his first year at “Churchie.” Piper ordered a maximum rating of 34 and stroke John Woolley obeyed to the letter. “The low rating was the only order we had and in the choppy conditions it proved the ideal tactic” said Woolley. “I was not really worried after 500 metres although I had a lot of respect for B.B.C. because of their slight advantage in No. 1 lane.”

Woolley did not know that halfway through the 2000 metres course his No. 6 oarsman, David Murray, broke a leather foot strap. Not a major mishap but an awkward one for Murray, who was forced to drive for the most part on one leg.

U.S. tactics

Piper, a former University of Boston coach brought his Boston techniques to “Churchie” last September. And his conditioning programme was the toughest the crew have had. This explains “Churchie’s” nine wins from 10 starts this summer and their first major placing in the “Head” since 1963. A proud Piper’s only comment on his crew’s performance was: “they rowed exactly as they have done all the summer. I couldn’t do a thing from the bank, they did it all for me.

The win capped a great day for Churchie. The school claimed six of the 12 races and dead-heated with Grammar in another. High and Grammar spoilt their chances with ratings of 36 and 37 respectively, too rapid for the rough water. The stylish B.B.C. youngsters (average 15 ½ years) challenged strongly over the last 500 metres but lacked the strength that will surely be with them next year. The hard luck stories of the race were from Southport and Grammar. A bad “crab” at the 500 metres in the middle of the Southport boat gave their oarsman a dunking and cost the crew whatever chance they might have had.

Southport lost eight seconds picking up their man and took a good deal of water from the wash of the umpire’s boat. Grammar’s No. 4 man, Tim porter was forced to row with a strange blade. Grammar broke a blade at training on Friday night and had to substitute one of a different weight.

Page 38, The Sunday Mail, Sunday April 13th 1969 Edition

"In the Head of the River race BBC, GT and TSS all got a good start with the other three crews slightly behind. At the 1500 metre mark TSS were unfortunate when a member of their crew crabbed and was thrown out, but they reorganised themselves and finished the race. At the 1 000 Metres, [Churchie] were just starting to push their nose in front and were rowing quite smoothly at this stage, BGS and GT having dropped back slightly. [Churchie] maintained the pressure and went on to win by 3/4of a length from BSHS with BBC another 3/of a length further back. It was the second time [Churchie] have won the eights since its inauguration in 1955, and in all had the most successful day in rowing."

Page 209, Churchie Rowing by Peter Jell, Published by Anglican Church Grammar School 

All Schools' First Four

Distance: 1500 Metres

Winning Time: n/a


4 Lengths (1-2)

0.75 Lengths (2-3)

1st Church of England Grammar School - Bow: D. A. Harold, 2: B. G. Butler, 3: R. N. Lovf, Str: P. K. Thompson, Cox: S. Hawgood, Coach: G. J. Jones 

2nd Brisbane Boys' College

3rd The Southport School

Other Competing Crews 

Gregory Terrace - Bow: T. Beer, 2: G. Benjamin, 3: D. Hickey, Str: M. Stirling, Cox: P. Murphy

1969 Gregory Terrace First IV

All Schools' Second Four

Distance: 1500 Metres

Winning Time: n/a


2 Feet (1-2)

1 Length (2-3)

1st Church of England Grammar School - Bow: P. A. Dance, 2: J. G. Scott, 3: I. D. Blake, Str: D. T. Kleimeyer, Cox: D. C. Milne, Coach: G. J. Jones

2nd Brisbane Grammar School

3rd The Southport School 

Other Competing Crews:

Gregory Terrace - Bow: A. Splatt, 2: R. Hood, 3: N. Hoare, Str: M. Scanlan, Cox: T. Flanagan

1969 Gregory Terrace Second IV

All Schools' Third Four

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: n/a


2 Lengths (1-2)

0.25 Lengths (2-3) 

1st The Southport School - Bow: Westcott, 2: Bower, 3: Brookes, Str: Warby, Cox: Lever

2nd Brisbane State High School 

3rd Church of England Grammar School - Bow: K. D. Walker, 2: P. A. Copeman, 3: B. J. McKelvey, Str: L. A. Stephens, Cox: A. Henderson 

Other Competing Crews:

Gregory Terrace - Bow: P. Reid, 2: D. Taylor, 3: P. Quinn, Str: P. Allen, Cox: J. Carew

Fourth Four

Distance: 1000 Metres

Winning Time: n/a 


Dead Heat for First

0.5 Lengths (2-3)

1st Church of England Grammar School & Brisbane Grammar School 

C.E.G.S. - Bow: R. C. Morgan, 2: W. J. Zahnleiter, 3: R. W. Neilson, Str: G. S. Wharton, Cox: M. W. Rogers, Coach: A. Henderson

B.G.S. - Bow: MacSporran, 2: Campion, 3: Silver, Str: McGriffin, Cox: Symes

3rd Brisbane Boys’ College 

Other Competing Crews:

Gregory Terrace - Bow: V. Hall, 2: J. Abbott, 3: G. Hardacre, Str: L. Watt, Cox: S. Curran

All Schools Fifth Four

Distance: 750 Metres

Winning Time: n/a 


2.5 Lengths (1-2)

0.5 Lengths (2-3)

1st Brisbane Boys’ College - Bow: Datton, 2: Griffin, 3: Ferrier, Str: Nimmo, Cox: Terry

2nd Church of England  Grammar School - Bow: A. V. Wynne, 2: L. C. Powell, 3: M. K. Coward, Str: R. N. Cranstoun, Cox: A. I Page, Coach : B. Whelan

3rd The Southport School 

Other Competing Crews:

Gregory Terrace - Bow: N. Holt, 2: L. Gooch, 3: A. Stenson, Str: D. Dunn, Cox: K. Splatt

All Schools' Sixth Four

Distance: 750 Metres

Winning Time: n/a


1 Length (1-2)

1.5 Lengths (2-3)

1st Church of England Grammar School - Bow: S. K. Treasure, 2: R. J. Paynter, 3: M. P. McLachlan, Str: C. P. Wilson , Cox: P. C. Hopton, Coach: D. Jull 

2nd The Southport School 

3rd Brisbane State High School 

Other Competing Crews:

Gregory Terrace - Bow: M. Ashton, 2: J. Whelan, 3: P. Loneragan, Str: B. Chester, Cox: R. Redshaw

All Schools' Seventh Four

Distance: 750 Metres

Winning Time: n/a 


2 Lengths (1-2)

2 Feet (2-3)

1st Brisbane State High School - Bow: Aubrey, 2: Hunter, 3: McLeod, Str: Rowe, Cox: Green

2nd Brisbane Grammar School

3rd Gregory Terrace - Bow: P. French, 2: M. Mulligan, 3: D. Farnworth, Str: P. George, Cox:

Other Competing Crews:

Church of England Grammar School - Bow: A. J. Edwards, 2: N. D. Langton, 3: P. W. Buck, Str: D. A. Buckham, Cox: J. W. Maguire, Coach: J. Petrie

All Schools' Eighth Four

Distance: 750 Metres

Winning Time: n/a


3 Lengths (1-2)

0.75 Lengths (2-3)

1st Brisbane State High School - Bow: Rynne, 2: Travis, 3: Conrad, Str: Lillistone, Cox: Eatsman

2nd Church of England Grammar School - Bow: A. W. Jubb, 2: J. M. Sheehan, 3: G. J. Easton, Str: W. Henderson, Cox: R. R. Bennett, Coach: J. Petrie

3rd Brisbane Boys’ College 

Other Competing Crews:

Gregory Terrace - Bow: P. Anderson, 2: P. Kelly, 3: I. Farlow, Str: M. Henderson

All Schools' Ninth Four

Distance: 750 Metres

Winning Time: n/a


1.25 Lengths (1-2)

1 Length (2-3)

1st Brisbane Grammar School - Bow: Merrit, 2: Knights, 3: Long, Str: Arnold, Cox: Watson

2nd Brisbane State High School 

3rd Church of England Grammar School - Bow: J. I. Fox, 2: P. M. Crothers, 3: G. A. Calcino, Str: E. L. Godfrey, Cox: C. C. Mace, Coach: J. Petrie 

Other Competing Crews:

Gregory Terrace - Bow: C. Duffield, 2: C. Wells, 3: C. Drewnicki, Str: S. Thompson

All Schools' Tenth Four

Distance: 750 Metres

Winning Time: n/a


1.5 Lengths (1-2)

Dead Heat for Second 

1st Brisbane Boys’ College - Bow: Harrison, 2: Bell, 3: Davies, Str: Rylance, Cox: Morgan

2nd Church of England Grammar School & Brisbane Grammar School 

C.E.G.S. - Bow: R. J. Brand, 2: P. G. Cowen, 3: J. R. Hobbs, Str: S. J. Walker, Cox: I. D. Kerr, Coach: R. Rogers

Other Competing Crews: 

Gregory Terrace - Bow: M. McCosker, 2: W. Webb, 3: P. Dixon, Str: P. Henley

All Schools' Eleventh Four

Distance: 750 Metres

Winning Time: n/a


4 Lengths (1-2)

1.25 Lengths (2-3)

1st Church of England Grammar School - Bow: C. R. Rich, 2: J. G. Budd, 3: J. G. Scott, Str: G. J. Storie,  Cox: P. J. Burrows

2nd Brisbane Boys’ College

3rd Gregory Terrace - Bow: R. Sivyer, 2: P. McGruther, 3: D. Evans, Str: C. Green


Page 24, The Courier-Mail, Saturday April 12th 1969 Edition

Page 1, The Sunday Mail, Sunday April 13th 1969 Edition

Page 38, The Sunday Mail, Sunday April 13th 1969 Edition

Page n/a (results), The Sunday Mail, Sunday April 13th 1969 Edition

Page 81-83, St. Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace Newsletter, 1969 Edition

Churchie Rowing by Peter Jell, Published by Anglican Church Grammar School 


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