1984 Women's National Championships - Lake Barrington TAS
The 1984 Men's National Championships results are on the previous page.
The new Barrington course drew great praise from all those who attended and was superb. The course is largely free from the curse of the dreaded cross breeze and has ample training areas both before the start and after the finish. Some 15,000 specatators witnessed the final days racing.
A full set of images for this regatta can be found on the Australian Rowing Images website.
A full copy of the 1984 regatta program can be found through this link.
Results by day
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Index to Women's Results:
- Women's Single Scull
- Women's Double Scull
- Women's Quad Scull
- Women's Pair
- Women's Coxed Four
- Women's Eight
- Women's Lightweight Single Scull
- Women's Lightweight Double Scull
- Women's Lightweight Coxless Pair
- Women's Lightweight Coxed Four
- Women's Under 23 Single Scull
- Women's Under 23 Coxless Pair
- Women's Under 19 Single Scull
- Women's Under 19 Double Scull
- Women's Under 19 Pair
- Women's Under 19 Coxed Four
- Schoolgirl Single Scull
- Schoolgirl Coxed Four
1st Cambridge (NZL) - Robin Clarke, Cch: Ray Reid
2nd Tweed Heads (QLD) - Elizabeth Burness, Cch: Richard Graham
3rd University of Tasmania (TAS) - Urszula Kay, Cch: David Poulson
4th University of Queensland (QLD) - Ceinwen Fay, Cch: Robert Bleakley
5th Mosman (NSW) - Anne Piper
6th Nepean (NSW) - Marilyn Kidd, Cch: Peter Shakespeare
E1: 1st Tweed Heads, 2nd Mosman, 3rd Cambridge, 4th Drummoyne, 5th Glebe, 6th Richmond
E2: 1st TUBC, 2nd UQBC, 3rd Nepean, 4th China, 5th UWA
R1: 1st Mosman, 2nd Nepean, 3rd China, 4th Richmond, 5th Glebe
R2: 1st Cambridge, 2nd UQBC, 3rd Drummoyne
1st University of Tasmania (TAS)/Mosman (NSW) - Bow: Anne Piper, Str: Urszula Kay
2nd Tweed Heads/University of Queensland (QLD) - Bow: Ceinwen Fay, Str: Elizabeth Burness, Cchs: Robert Bleakley
& Richard Graham
3rd Cambridge (NZL) - Bow: Dianne Michels, Str: Robin Clarke
4th St George (NSW) - Bow: Annelies Voorthuis, Str: Amanda Rudgley
5th Drummoyne/Glebe (NSW) - Bow: Denise Phillips, Str: Klara Lantay, Cch: Les Donnelly
University of Tasmania/Mosman Winning Double
1st ACT/Murwillumbah/Nepean (NSW) - Bow: Susan Donoghue, 2: Alison Chinn, 3: Debbie Cooper, Str: Marilyn Kidd, Cch: Jack McGee
2nd Drummoyne/Glebe (NSW) - Bow: Annelies Voorthuis, 2: Amanda Rudgley, 3: Denise Phillips, Str: Klara Lantay, Cch: Paul M Rowe
3rd Melbourne University/Corio Bay (VIC) - Bow: Margie Gillespie, 2: Barbara Gillett, 3: Leisa Wilson, Str: Felicity Brake
1st Torrens (SA)/St George (NSW) - Bow: Karen Brancourt, Str: Robyn Grey-Gardner, Cchs: William Dankbaar & Matthew
2nd Melbourne University/Dimboola (VIC) - Bow: Jacqui Marshall, Str: Pam Westendorf, Cch: David Palfreyman
3rd Melbourne University (VIC) - Bow: Sue Chapman, Str: Margot Foster, Cch: David Palfreyman
4th Melbourne University/YWCA (VIC) - Bow: Jo Dickson, Str: Sue Weston, Cch: David Palfreyman
5th ACT - Bow: Ericka Randell, Str: Ellen Randell, Cch: Peter Shakespeare
6th Reeconian (TAS) - Bow: Tracey Johnson, Str: Anne Broomby, Cch: Grant Pryor
E1: MUBC/Dimboola, 2nd MUBC/YWCA, 3rd Reeconian, 4th Te Amamuto
E2: 1st Torrens/St George, 2nd MUBC, 3rd ACT
R: 1st MUBC, 2nd MUBC/YWCA, 3rd ACT, 4th Reeconian, 5th Te Amamutu
Torrens/St George winning pair
1st Melbourne University/Dimboola (VIC) - Bow: Margot Foster, 2: Sue Chapman, 3: Jacqui Marshall, Str: Pam Westendorf,
Cox: Susan Lee, Cch: David Palfreyman
2nd Chinese Olympic Team (CHN)
3rd Torrens (SA) - Bow: Connie Vanderwerp, 2: Keisha Salmon, 3: Karen Brancourt, Str: Robyn Grey-Gardner, Cox: Sarah
McLean, Cchs: Matthew Draper & William Dankbaar
4th Melbourne University (VIC)/YWCA (VIC)/ACT - Bow: Ericka Randell, 2: Ellen Randell, 3: Sue Weston, Str: Jo Dickson,
Cox: Unknown, Cchs: Peter Shakespeare & David Palfreyman
5th Te Amamutu (NZL) - Bow: Ruth Vanderveen, 2: Karen Helpman, 3: Alliso Crooks, Str: Sandra Husband
6th Reeconian/Tamar (TAS) - Bow: Susan Young, 2: Julie Shegog, 3: Tracey Johnson, Str: Anne Broomby, Cox: Pam Pryor,
Cch: Grant Pryor
3: 27.8
1st Melbourne University (VIC)/Dimboola (VIC)/YWCA (VIC)/Torrens (SA)/St George (NSW) - Bow: Jo Dickson, 2: Sue West,
3: Karen Brancourt, 4: Robyn Grey-Gardner, 5: Sue Chapman, 6: Margot Foster, 7: Pam Westendorf, Str: Jacqui Marshall, Cox: Susan Lee,
Cchs: David Palfreyman & William Dankbaar
2nd University of Western Australia/WAIT/Perth & Collegians (WA) - Bow: Judith Ullinger, 2: Ute Beyer, 3: Margaret
Bailey, 4: Ruth Richardson, 5: Barbara Kletnieks, 6: Angela Maidment, 7: Janet Lankester, Str: Tracey O'Shannessy, Cox: Leigh Dale,
Cch: Warren Gibson
3rd Melbourne University/Corio Bay (VIC) - Bow: Barbara Gillett, 2: Leisa Wilson, 3: Margie Gillespie, 4: Felicity
Brake, 5: Leanne Whitehouse, 6: Flavia Gobbo, 7: Gayle Toogood, Str: Angela Turrell, Cox: Megan Robertson, Cch: Brian Dalton
4th Buckingham/Reeconian/Tamar/Derwent Mercantile (TAS) - Bow: Elizabeth Cook, 2: Carol Males, 3: Allison Flakemore,
4: Linda Winzenberg, 5: Susan Young, 6: Tracey Johnson, 7: Ann Broomby, Str: Julie Shegog, Cox: Pam Pryor, Cchs: Shane Fish & Grant
5th Commercial/University of Queensland/Tweed Heads (QLD) - Bow: Penny Dixon, 2: Lynne Kelly, 3: Debbie Flynn, 4:
Sharon Ethell, 5: Rosita McMahon, 6: Debbie Merritt, 7: Ceinwen Frisch, Str: Elizabeth Burness, Cox: Cathy Ashworth
1st Cambridge (NZL) - Dianne Michels, Cch: R Reid
2nd Murwillumbah (NSW) - Allison Chin, Cch: Mark Kwaitkowski
3rd Nepean (NSW) - Debbie Cooper, Cch: Lindsay Callaghan
4th Tweed Heads (QLD) - Rosita McMahon, Cch: Richard Graham
5th Ballarat City (VIC) - Kate Elliot, Cch: Danny Elliot
E1: 1st Mosman, 2nd ACT, 3rd Commercial, 4th ANA, 5th Tweed Heads
E2: 1st Cambridge, 2nd Tweed Heads, 3rd Ballarat City, 4th Mannum
E3: 1st Murwillumbah, 2nd Nepean, 3rd Corio Bay, 4th Leichhardt
R: 1st ANA, 2nd Tweed Heads, 3rd Leichhardt, 4th Mannum
SF1: 1st Cambridge, 2nd Nepean, 3rd Ballarat City, 4th Mosman, 5th Commercial, 6th Leichhardt
SF2: 1st Murwillumbah, 2nd ACT, 3rd Tweed Heads, 4th Corio Bay, 5th ANA
1st Mosman (NSW)/Commercial (QLD) - Bow: Gay Allan, Str: Debbie Merritt
2nd ACT/Murwillumbah (NSW) - Bow: Susan Donoghue, Str: Allison Chinn, Cchs: Jack McGee & Mark Kwaitkowski
3rd Tweed Heads (QLD) - Bow: Sharon Ethell, Str: Rosita McMahon, Cch: Richard Graham
4th Melbourne University (VIC) - Bow: Margie Gillespie, Str: Felicity Brake
1st Adelaide University (SA) - Bow:Amanda Cross, Str: Karen Riedel, Cchs: William Dankbaar & Matthew Draper
2nd ACT No 2 (ACT) - Bow: Brigid Cassells, Str: Jeanette Hall
3rd Melbourne University/Banks (VIC) - Bow: Leanne Whitehouse, Str: Flavia Gobbo, Cch: Brian Dalton
4th WAIT (WA) - Bow: Janet Lankester, Str: Tracey O'Shannessy, Cch: Warren Gibson
5th Nepean (NSW) - Bow Pamela Lo Po, Str: Debbie Cooper, Cch: Lindsay Callaghan
6th University of Western Australia No 1 (WA) - Bow: Barbara Kletnieks, Str: Angela Maidment, Cch: Warren Gibson
E1: 1st UWA No 1, 2nd MUBC/Banks, 3rd ACT No 2, 4th UWA No 2, 5th Buckingham
E2: 1st AUBC, 2nd Torrens/ANR, 3rd ACT No 2, 4th Tamar/Derwent Mercantile
E3: 1st WAIT, 2nd Nepean, 3rd UWA/WAIT
R: 1st UWA, 2nd MUBC, 3rd Buckingham, 4th Tamar/Derwent Mercantile
SF1: 1st ACT No 2, 2nd WAIT, 3rd UWA No 1, 4th UWA No 2, 5th MUBC, 6th Torrens/ANR
SF2: 1st AUBC, 2nd MUBC/Banks, 3rd Nepean, 4th UWA, 5th ACT No 1, 6th Buckingham
1st Melbourne University/Banks (VIC) - Bow: Leanne Whitehouse, 2: Flavis Gobbo, 3: Gayle Toogood, Str: Angela Turrell,
Cox: Megan Robertson, Cch: Brian Dalton
2nd University of Western Australia/WAIT No 1 (WA) - Bow: Barbara Kletnieks, 2: Angela Maidment, 3: Janet Lankester,
Str: Tracey O'Shannessy, Cox: Leigh Dale, Cch: Warren Gibson
3rd University of Western Australia/WAIT No 2 (WA) - Bow: Mirriam Borthwick, 2: Ute Beyer, 3: Judith Richardson,
Str: Ruth Richardson, Cox: Jo Messenger, Cch: Warren Gibson
4th Nepean (NSW)/Canberra (ACT)/Mosman (NSW) - Bow: Gay Allen, 2: Sue Donoghue, 3: Palmina Lo Po, Str: Debbie Cooper,
Cox: Kerry Honeybrook, Cch: Linsdsay Callaghan
5th Adelaide University/ANR (SA) - Bow: Miranda Nielsen, 2: Anne Bradley, 3: Amanda Cross, Str: Karen Riedel, Cox:
Rachel Milner, Cchs: William Dankbaar & Matthew Draper
6th ACT - Bow: Lesley Paton, 2: Julie Ellett, 3: Jeanette Hall, Str: Brigid Cassells, Cox: Clare Johnson, Cch: David
E1: 1st Nepean/Canberra/Mosman, 2nd AUBC/ANR, 3rd ACT, 4th Buckingham/Tamar/Derwent Mercantile
E2: 1st UWA/WAIT No 1, 2nd MUBC/Banks, 3rd UWA/WAIT No 2
R: 1st MUBC/Banks, 2nd UWA/Wait No 2, 3rd AUBC/ANR, 4th ACT, 5th Buckingham/Tamar/Derwent Mercantile
1st University of Queensland (QLD) - Ceinwen Frisch
2nd St George (NSW) - Anneles Voorthuis
3rd Drummoyne (NSW) - Amanda Rudgely, Cch: Peter Stroud
4th Corio Bay (VIC) - Robyn Koehler
5th Mannum (SA) - Rebecca Williams
1st Torrens (SA) - Bow: Keisha Salmon, Str: Connie Vanderwerp
2nd Tamar (TAS) - Bow: Susan Young, Str: Julie Shegog, Cchs: B Campbell & Grant Pryor
1st Nepean/Manning River (NSW) - Bow: Jan Bonwick, Str: Sue Calvin, Cchs: Graham Nix & Alex Rybak
1st Manning River (NSW) - Sue Calvin, Cch: Graham Nix
2nd Leichhardt (QLD) - Sandra Kerr, Cch: Frank Hick
3rd Nepean (NSW) - Jan Bonwick, Cch: Alex Rybak
1st Nepean (NSW) - Bow: Lisa Jansen, 2: Anne Maree Payne, Cch: Gwyn Addicott
Women's Under 19 Coxed Four
1st Pembroke School (SA)- Bow: Susan Deterding, 2: Astrad Heinicke, 3: Christine Teichert, Str: Denise Collins, Cox: Elizabeth Mapleoft, Cch:Rod Ellaway
2nd MLC No 1 (VIC) - Bow: Josie Millard, 2: Sandy McKeller, 3: Rachael McInnes, Str: Kerrie-Ann Smith, Cox: Kay Fry, Cch: Susie Palfreyman
3rd MLC No 2 (VIC) - Bow: Sue Varley, 2:Roberta Steuart, 3: Jenny Hose, Str: Kate Worboys, Cox: Claire Harding
4th Nepean (NSW) - Bow: Kathryn Myers, 2: Anne Maree-Payne, 3: Lisa Jansen, Str: Corinna Sargent, Cox: Kerry Honeybrook, Cch: Gwyn Addicott
Schoolgirl Scull
1st Taree High School (NSW) - Sue Calvin, Cch: Graham Nix
2nd Nepean High School (NSW) - Jan Bonwick, Cch: Alex Rybak
1st Pembroke (SA) - Bow: Susan Deterding, 2: Astrid Heinicke, 3: Christine Teichert, Str: Denise Collins, Cox: Elizabeth
Mapletoff, Cch: Rod Elleway
2nd Methodist Ladies College (VIC) No 1 - Bow: Josie Millard, 2: Sandy McKellar, 3: Rachael McGinnes, Str: Kerrie-Ann
Smyth, Cox: Kay Fry, Cch: Susie Palfreyman
3rd Nepean (NSW) - Bow: Kathryn Meyers, 2: Anne Maree Payne, 3: Lisa Jansen, Str: Corinna Sargeant, Cox: Kerry Honeybrook,
Cch: Gwyn Addicott
4th Methodist Ladies College No 2 (VIC) - Bow: Sue Varley, 2: Roberta Steuart, 3: Jenny Hose, Str: Kate Worboys,
Cox: Claire Harding, Cch: Susie Palfreyman
5th Ballarat & Queens College (VIC) - Bow: Simone Titheridge, 2: Annita Mott, 3: Joanne Brown, Str: Helen Ware,
Cox: Simone Webb, Cch: Jack Netherway
6th Dominic College (TAS) - Bow: Maria Donato, 2: Mary Mulcahy, 3: Donna Clark, Str: Cristina Gentile, Cox: Jennifer
Dixon, Cch: Michael Dixon
E1: 1st MLC No 1, 2nd MLC No 2, 3rd Dominic, 4th Reece High
E2: 1st Pembroke, 2nd Nepean, 3rd Ballarat & Queens
R: 1st Ballarat & Queens, 2nd Dominic, 3rd Reece