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History of Ballarat Head of the Lake rowing regatta

1936 Ballarat Head of the Lake

This race was conducted on Lake Wendouree on Saturday May 2, 1936 The third and fourth crews raced on 30th April.

The Advocate reported on Thursday May 7, page 26 as follows:

Ballarat College Crew Wins.

To win all of the minor events at the Head of the Lake contests of the Ballarat Public Schools Association and miss the Championship honours was the disappointing experience of St. Patrick’s College on Saturday last. In the main race they had to strike their colors to a very smart crew from Ballarat College. The form of the three crews was excellent and the winners deserved all the congratulations they received after the race and at subsequent functions. The events of the Third and fourth crews was decided on Thursday afternoon, and each was won on convincing style by St. Patrick’s. They continued their successes on Saturday by taking the Seconds race and the Old Boys event. Representatives of the three schools, headed by the president of the Association, Rev. Brother Purton, gathered at the Ballarat Rowing Club, where Mr.G.Dowling presented the Dowling Cup to the successful stroke. Thos present included the Mayor and Mayoress, Cr. And Mrs. Martin, Messers R.E.Thwaites and E.V.Butler, Principals of Ballarat College and Grammar School respectively. All expressed their hearty congratulations and good wishes.

The beautifully fine weather brought out one of the largest attendances yet seen at these contests. Arrangements for the racing were in the hands of the Ballarat Rowing Association.

Organising Committee and Officials

Regatta Committee: Ballarat Public Schools' Association

Organising Committee and Officials: Ballarat Rowing Association.


Head of the Lake

1 mile
Time: Not known
Margin:1 length

1st Ballarat College - Bow: H B Berry, 2: Bert R Goon, 3: A C Urqhart, Str: I R John , Cox: G W Barrell

2nd St Patrick's College - Bow: L Coleman, 2: W N Young, 3: G W Cassidy, Str: Leo Horgan. Cox: L F  Scullion, Cchs: H R Pierce and J  P Bourke

3rd Grammar School

Head of the Lake winners’ oar, donated to Ballarat College by Bert Goon’s daughter, Veronica Thornton.

The race was reported in the Advocate as follows:

St. Pat’s had the south station, Grammar the centre and College had the north position. The starters gun sounded, and the straining crews leapt away from the moorings with St. Pat’s gaining a slight advantage. For three-quarters of a mile St. Pat’s held their lead and were rowing particularly well, but then College came with a dash and, finishing very well, won by about a length from St. Pat’s, with Grammar coming third. College rowed a good race….. (Note: The stroke of the St. Pat’s crew, Leo Horgan had to replace J.D. Hayes just two weeks before the Head of the Lake, as the Hayes suffered an attack of acute appendicitis.)

Second Fours

1/2 mile
Time: 3 min 19 secs
Margins:1/2 length and a canvas

1st St. Patrick’s College - Bow: J F McDavitt, 2: H F Munday, 3: K B DeLacy, Str: B A Mulcahy, Cox: J J  Wise, Cch: Mr A C Wilson

2nd Grammar School

3rd Ballarat College

St Patrick's crews

Old Collegians Fours

Time:3 min 20secs
Margin: 2 lengths

1st St. Patrick’s College - Bow: J Ryan, 2: D Blaikie, 3: M O’Leary, Str: P Harrison

2nd Ballarat College

3rd Grammar School

St. Patrick’s won by two lengths.(According to 1936-37 SPC Annual, page 79, the margin was 10 lengths)

Third Fours

Time: Not known
Margins: Not known

The thirds and fourth races were held  on Thursday April 30.

1st St. Patrick’s College - P McNamara, 2: J Flannery, 3: P  McLoughlin, Str: A Hogan, Cox: D Munday

2nd Ballarat College

3rd Grammar School

The Third’s race was very hard fought with St.Pat’s just defeating College and Grammar close in third.

Fourth Fours

Time: Not known
Margins: 3 lengths

1st St. Patrick’s College (1) - Bow:  K Landy, 2: J Flanagan, 3: B Hanigan, Str: M Dromgoole, Cox: T Brady. Coaches for Thirds and fourths: Mr. Wise(half season) Mr. Otto Hauser (2nd half)

2nd Grammar

3rd St. Patrick’s College (2) - Bow: B McNamara, 2: D Walker, 3: H Lenne, Str: K Landy

4th Ballarat College

St. Patrick’s (1) led all the way and won by three lengths.


  • Ballarat Courier 100 years Head of the Lake Supplement
  • St Patrick's photo from 1936-37  SPCB Annual. Page 78
  • Advocate, Melbourne, Thursday May 7, page 26

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