2001 VIC Head of Schoolgirls' Regatta
The regatta again grew to 34 events.
However the big change this year was the introduction of a professional event manager by the host school Melbourne Girls Grammar School. At this regatta, MGGS retained responsibility over all key areas and the regatta continued to be owned by the Committee. An income splitting arrangement between MGGS and the event manager was put in place.
The event manager appointed was School Snowsports Development Foundation and the change was deemed a success. This event manager continued to run the event for a number of subsequent years. Furthermore, it led to the Association taking over management of the regatta in subsequent years. This was the last year of a school hosting the event.
During discussions on this matter, it became clear that in speaking with Firbank and observing MLC regarding the conduct of 1999 and 2000 regattas, MGGS became aware that the scope of the tasks had increased enormously in recent years. They formed the view that alternative models were required. They subcontracted much of the work to SSDF but remained responsible for the delivery of the regatta.
Also of interest at this time was the desire of the Committee to continue to choose it's own Jury. Over time this was changed to use a Rowing Victoria appointed Jury, with consultation, and Rowing Victoria equipment.
The City of Greater Geelong provided support for the temporary infrastructure costs for the event.
2001 Programme Cover
Organising Committee and Officials
Head of the Schoolgirls Regatta Committee: Susie Palfreyman (President), Robert Zahara and Jim Spithill (Vice-Presidents), Steve Mollard (Secretary), Rene Klupacs (Treasurer), Craig Adrians, Fleur Worboys, Josie Millard, Ron Podbury, Brenton Terrell, Leisa Wilson, Connie Vanderwerp, Robert Blair, Ruth Guy and Pam Westendorf.
Regatta personnel: Host school - Melbourne Girls Grammar. The event managers were School Snow Sports Development Foundation led by their general manager Rod Osborne, event manager Steve Nelson and development manager Josh Lyle. The regatta secretary was Rob Blair, Herb Ellerbock ran the computer systems, Roger Wilson undertook the commentary and the course was prepared by Bob Morell.
Jury: Robin Murphy (referee), Rob Allen, Ian Barry, Noel Clark, Garry Cook, Bernie Crimmin, Catherine Currie, Rod Florence, James Gobbo, Danielle Jenkins, Kelly Jenkins, Scott Johns, Emma Kelson, Rob Kemp, Rene Klupacs, Ralph Murphy, Ian Murray, John Nichols, David O'Grady, Ron Podbury, Dot Rycroft and Jim Spithill.
Open Race Results
Single Scull Open Division 1
Final A
1st Canterbury GSC - Zara Love, Cch: Simon Crunden
Coxed Quad Scull Open Division 1
Final A
1st Sacred Heart - Bow: Sally Elliot, 2: Bianca Velluci, 3: Natalie Wright, Str: Johanna Panozzo, Cox: Louise Landers, Cch: Stuart Wilson
2nd MLC - Bow: Bree Harris, 2: Caitlin Adams, 3: Lisa Terry, Str: Sarah Conlon, Cox: Lizzie Patrick, Cch: Paul Francis
3rd Firbank Grammar - Bow: Lucy McNicol, 2: Claire Szatsnajder, 3: Alice Mentiplay, Str: Sarah Forbes, Cox: Chloe Loftes, Cch: Brenton Terrell
4th Ruyton - Bow: Jane Marsden, 2: Laura Munckton, 3: Bonnie Coxon, Str: Briony Davenport, Cox: Emma Peyton, Cch: Mark Dusting
Coxed Four Open Division 1
Final A
1st Ballarat Grammar - Bow: Anne Roberts, 2: Kate Kearney, 3: Alice King, Str: Jayne Guy, Cox: Harriet McKnght, Cch: Sam Hutchinson
2nd St Catherine’s - Bow: Amy Lawford, 2: Diana Cooper, 3: Sarah Richardson, Str: Charlotte Ogilv, Cox: Annabel Burge, Cch: Timothy Fogarty, Ben Stewart
3rd Ballarat Clarendon - Bow: Laura Fowler, 2: Sarah Heard, 3: Nicole Payne, Str: Mia Duncan, Cox: Lauren Chapman, Cch: Bruce Sarah
4th Loreto MH - Bow: Jacqueline Funder, 2: Melanie Pingersma, 3: Edwina Scanlon, Str: Alecia Mustey, Cox: Celina Vines, Cch: Angus Higgins
Eight Open Division 1
Final A
1st Geelong Grammar - Bow: Kate Farrell, 2: Sarah Luckock, 3: Tori Batters, 4: Eliza Heathcote, 5: Sophie Slopper, 6: Andy Burke, 7: Ariella Webb, Str: Chloe Delany, Cox: Anna Landy, Cch: Geoff Hunter
2nd Caulfield Grammar - Bow: Jeanette Lambert, 2: Ashley Cornish, 3: Shannon Breen, 4: Anna Varney, 5: Jackie Deeble, 6: Jody Milne, 7: Allira Ritchie, Str: Mia Van Rompaey, Cox: Monique Small, Cch: Cam Hall
3rd Geelong College - Bow: Phillipa Wayers, 2: Jessica Crossley, 3: Kara Bell, 4: Brydie Meek, 5: Charlotte O’Loughlin, 6: Lucy Simms, 7: Phoebe Cole, Str: Lucy Forbes, Cox: Tamara Wooley, Cch: Rob Gardner
4th Carey Grammar - Bow: Cassey Vannatter, 2: Kate Carroll, 3: Brooke Galloway, 4: Marianne Pitard, 5: Emma Wardrop, 6: Jennifer Marshall, 7: Sanchia Rodrigues, Str: Kate Fitzpatrick, Cox: Jordie Whitehead, Cch: Pam Westendorf
Single Scull Open Division 2A
Final A
1st Geelong HS - Melissa Russell, Cch: Vicki Fisher
Single Scull Open Division 2B
Final A
1st Princess Hill - Sophia Englezos, Cch: Mark Dwyer
Coxed Quad Scull Open Division 2
Final A
1st Loreto MH - Bow: Elizabeth Ames, 2: Jacqui Low, 3: Ellie Patterson, Str: Felicity Whelan, Cox: Jessica Pies, Cch: John Downie
2nd Ruyton - Bow: Kate Simon, 2: Michelle Hillman, 3: Emily Ramsey, Str: Sarah Bamford, Cox: Melissa Finlayson, Cch: Daniel Meehan
3rd Sacred Heart - Bow: Ellen Fennelly, 2: Bridget Kelly, 3: Georgina O’Laughlin, Str: Fiona Kelly, Cox: Aleisha Klupacs, Cch: Tony Rowan
4th Fintona - Bow: Philippa Daives, 2: Rebecca Apostolopoulos, 3: Victoria Woolley, Str: Joanne Spain, Cox: Nectaria Cavalieros, Cch: Guy Vicars
Coxed Four Open Division 2
Final A
1st St Catherine’s - Bow: Louise Kavals, 2: Monica George, 3: Dianna Dickinson, Str: Camilla Deague, Cox: Morgan Cloke, Cch: Annabelle Eaton
2nd Firbank Grammar - Bow: Sarah-Jane Blunt, 2: Aletia Daniels, 3: Helen Arblaster, Str: Gemma Corke, Cox: Natalie Blunt, Cch: Susie Palfreyman
3rd MLC - Bow: Claire Merrifield, 2: Georgia Skinner, 3: Hayley Forrest, Str: Jennifer Loton, Cox: Lydia Fisher, Cch: Bec Lawton
4th MacRobertson Girls HS - Bow: Tess Macrea, 2: Emma Franks, 3: Georgia Fowler, Str: Belinda Morris, Cox: Emma Kefford, Cch: Tom Seymour
Eight Open Division 2
Final A
1st Melbourne Girls’ GS - Bow: Alexandra McCallum, 2: Jane Watson, 3: Emily McMullin, 4: Aimee Leech, 5: Emily Blanch, 6: Sarah Lazar, 7: Julia Danne, Str: Harriet Morgan, Cox: Sophie Grainge, Cch: Kevin O’Brien, Dan Fahy
2nd Geelong Grammar - Bow: Fiona Hawker, 2: Aimee Wilde, 3: Liz Baker, 4: Fran Squires, 5: Sarah Peek, 6: Rose Baulch, 7: Jeanne North, Str: Sarah Vickery, Cox: Sarah Cahill, Cch: Kim Klopper
3rd Caulfield Grammar - Bow: Natasha Van der Kraan, 2: Brooke Dewar, 3: Amy Boston, 4: Tash Chernov, 5: Jess Cheeseman, 6: Nicole Hanger, 7: Laura Wiezenfeld, Str: Georgie Hill, Cox: Sophie Andrew
4th Geelong College - Bow: Claudia Muhor, 2: Natalie Pye, 3: Johanna McCartney, 4: Jennifer Reeve, 5: Kate Anderson, 6: Lisa Gray, 7: Veronica Milsom, Str: Alicia Wooley, Cox: Megan Gingell, Cch: Sean Drew
Coxed Quad Scull Open Division 3
Final A
1st MLC - Bow: Heather Saunders, 2: Amy Cross, 3: Julia McLaren, Str: Caroline Brown, Cox: Penny Spicer, Cch: Hannah Every
2nd Melbourne Girls’ GS - Bow: Annie Harrison, 2: Olivia Blair, 3: Nikki Craig, Str: Mary Wynn, Cox: Sheila Smith, Cch: David Douglas
3rd St Catherine’s - Bow: Alex Skinner, 2: Jess Pettigrew, 3: Kiera McNeice, Str: Verity Benson, Cox: Rosie O’Brien, Cch: James Gertsman
4th Genazzano - Bow: Jessica Wraith, 2: Gemma Downey, 3: Sara Nairn, Str: Anna Sweeney, Cox: Clair Lefebvre, Cch: Adrian Lawrence
Coxed Four Open Division 3
Final A
1st Ballarat High - Bow: Lucy Martin, 2: Tegan Willey, 3: Sarah Daley, Str: Prue Martin, Cox: Amy Anders, Cch: Chloe Martin, Ian Martin
2nd MLC - Bow: Alison Miller, 2: Kate Delany, 3: Sarah Carnegie, Str: Sarah Mackie, Cox: Jess Bartlett, Cch: Troy Kooloos
3rd Ballarat Grammar - Bow: Simone Heirich, 2: Sarah Curwen-Walker, 3: Sophie Guthrie, Str: Laura Van der Broek, Cox: Kristy Greene, Cch: Anna Gray
4th Loreto MH - Bow: Sara Clark, 2: Louise Pearce, 3: Claire O’Dowd, Str: Sophie Price, Cox: Alexandra Suffren, Cch: Sarah Chibnall
Coxed Quad Scull Open Division 4
Final A
1st St Catherine’s - Bow: Susie Middleton, 2: Krissie Singline, 3: Sarah Street, Str: Jessica Wade, Cox: Clem Watson, Cch: Cals Frost
2nd St Catherine’s - Bow: Maddy Simpson, 2: Sarah Rodd, 3: Polly Viska, Str: Katherine Reinbach, Cox: Lucy Ferguson, Cch: Jason Nevins
3rd Melbourne Girls’ GS - Bow: Georgina Margetts, 2: Allana Prince, 3: Edwina Dane, Str: Sarah Cullen, Cox: Stephanie Best, Cch: Steven Craig
4th MLC - Bow: Tenille Hennam, 2: Bec Maddock, 3: Alex Lewis, Str: Laura Dorgan, Cox: Brodie Flint, Cch: Deanna Horman
Coxed Four Open Division 4
Final A
1st Melbourne GC - Bow: Tarryn Gillies, 2: Georgina Elrington, 3: Kalina Barboutov, Str: Sam Maloney, Cox: Laura Brown, Cch: Simon Harrison
2nd Hamilton - Bow: Liddy Plowright, 2: Simone Hutson, 3: Madie Phillip, Str: Fiona Frawley, Cox: Sarah Sutherland, Cch: Andrew Sutherland
3rd Matthew Flinders - Bow: Rebekah Dunbabin, 2: Christine Harrison, 3: Nicole Richardson, Str: Jessica Kaires, Cox: Carle Wall, Cch: Andrew Dunbabin
4th Melbourne Girls’ GS - Bow: Kate Summons, 2: Eliza Holyman, 3: Sally Folleta, Str: Nirvana Denton, Cox: Tess Morris, Cch: Nadine Kapitaniak
Coxed Four Open Division 5
Final A
1st Melbourne GC - Bow: Ophelia Tevelein, 2: Kate Hatzopoulos, 3: Kate Lawrey, Str: Natasha Karos, Cox: Sarah Brown, Cch: Jan Honnens,
2nd St Catherine’s - Bow: Cynthia Lucas, 2: Felicity Paterson, 3: Victoria Murphy, Str: Felicity Young, Cox: Nellie McGowan, Cch: Sophie Viska
3rd Dimboola - Bow: Melissa Miller, 2: Nyree Hutchins, 3: Alison Colyer, Str: Eva Pitt, Cox: Renee Newton, Cch: John Nichols
4th Hamilton - Bow: Catherine Dyer, 2: Emily Smith, 3: Hannah Kitchen, Str: Rebecca Forrest, Cox: Jessica Boden, Cch: Christopher Lefler
Coxed Four Open Division 6
Final A
1st Melbourne Girls’ GS - Bow: Alice Coates, 2: Krystalla Pearce, 3: Camilla Clemente, Str: Retta Berryman, Cox: Margarita Varigod, Cch: Andrew O’Brien
2nd MLC - Bow: Alice Hobday, 2: Sarah Nash, 3: Mim Robertson, Str: Eliza Swinburne, Cox: Emma Burns, Cch: Holly Ames
3rd MLC - Bow: Alice Brown, 2: Bec Grant, 3: Claire Dagley, Str: Katie Tatoulis, Cox: Annabelle Johnston, Cch: Emma Fitzclarence
4th MLC - Bow: Alex Barclay, 2: Liz Day, 3: Sarah Dixon, Str: Louisa Martin, Cox: Kate Herbert, Cch: Negar Athari
Year 10 Race Results
Single Scull Year 10 Division 1
Final A
1st Brauer - Kirsty Bertrand, Cch: Val Bertrand
Coxed Quad Scull Year 10 Division 1
Final A
1st Sacred Heart - Bow: Lauren McGowan, 2: Racheal Mrhar, 3: Heidi Wilson, Str: Ashleigh Kuit, Cox: Shannon Landers, Cch: Leisa Wilson
2nd St Catherine’s - Bow: Fiona Richardson, 2: Susie Widmer, 3: Leila Anderson, Str: Nikki Smith, Cox: Jess Baxter, Cch: Dan Grogan
3rd MLC - Bow: Alice Patrick, 2: Matie Minogue, 3: Bec Wright, Str: Ginny Atkins, Cox: Sarah Gelbart, Cch: Brent McDonald
4th Melbourne Girls’ GS - Bow: Maria Katsouranis, 2: Virginia Nettle, 3: Andrea Cannon, Str: Kenna Soso, Cox: Jessica Davies, Cch: Chris Gillon, Brooke Penning
Coxed Four Year 10 Division 1
Final A
1st Geelong College - Bow: Jessica Collins, 2: Abby George, 3: Hayley Johnston, Str: Phoebe Stanley, Cox: Alex Pye, Cch: Ken Smith
2nd MLC - Bow: Catherine Head, 2: Caroline Kronborg, 3: Katrina Blaubaurn, Str: Georgie Harbeck, Cox: Martine Holberton, Cch: Tim Widmer
3rd Ballarat Clarendon - Bow: Daniella Hicks, 2: Katherine Thewlis, 3: Tori Perrin, Str: Prue Dimond, Cox: Kate Davies, Cch: Elizabeth Leorke
4th Lauriston - Bow: Sarah Campbell, 2: Katie Fox, 3: Julia Brennan, Str: Caroline Barnett, Cox: Sophie Lewis, Cch: Sophie Morrison
Coxed Quad Scull Year 10 Division 2
Final A
1st MLC - Bow: Rachel Erm, 2: Emy Huntsman, 3: Frances Smyth, Str: Aurora Ottaway, Cox: Julia Kilpatrick, Cch: Mary O’Connor
2nd St Catherine’s - Bow: Edwina Barrington, 2: Jen Mathies, 3: Marina Carroll, Str: Daisy McHarg, Cox: Penrose Burge, Cch: Loretta Bourke
3rd Sacred Heart - Bow: Elizabeth Jens, 2: Cassandra McDonald, 3: Brigit Womeresley, Str: Claire Strickland, Cox: Melanie Saric, Cch: Leisa Wilson
4th Genazzano - Bow: Georgia Cleeve, 2: Georgie Belfield, 3: Susie McKenzie, Str: Meg Daniher, Cox: Alison Speck, Cch: Martin Francis
Coxed Four Year 10 Division 2
Final A
1st Geelong College - Bow: Elizabeth Fagg, 2: Annabelle Crawford, 3: Cara Jilich, Str: Angela Paton, Cox: Sophie Betts, Cch: Ken Smith
2nd MLC - Bow: Verity Woinarski, 2: Rachel Howsman, 3: Henni Arup, Str: Natasha Reid, Cox: Lucy Goldwater, Cch: Mike Raisbeck
3rd Geelong Grammar - Bow: Sam Wilson, 2: Anna Collins, 3: Sarah Crowley, Str: Emma Dunn, Cox: Ali Knight, Cch: Jo Bliss
4th Toorak College - Bow: Claire Hopkins, 2: Melissa Stephens, 3: Lucy Dicks, Str: Natalie Thomas, Cox: Lucy Bowtell, Cch: Natalie Lyle
Coxed Quad Scull Year 10 Division 3
Final A
1st Loreto MH - Bow: Kate Argentino, 2: Samantha Mustey, 3: Clare Arbon, Str: Kristyn Campbell, Cox: Andrea Pahor, Cch: Ken Loveday
2nd St Catherine’s - Bow: Lily Shelton, 2: Meg Berryman, 3: Esther Edqvist, Str: Georgie Swan, Cox: Maija McCoy, Cch: Kate Olsen
3rd MLC - Bow: Millie Inman, 2: Tej Mettho, 3: Erin Pratt, Str: Emma Hounsell, Cox: Natasha Christov, Cch: Fiona Milne
4th Sacred Heart - Bow: Lauren Sharp, 2: Kelly Guthridge, 3: Elizabeth Elliot, Str: Brook Manders, Cox: Tamie Robertson, Cch: Leisa Wilson
Coxed Four Year 10 Division 3
Final A
1st St Catherine’s - Bow: Hannah Torii, 2: Annabelle O’Brien, 3: Rebecca Dredge, Str: Stephanie Spring, Cox: Fiona Duthie, Cch: Julia Luthbert
2nd Korowa - Bow: Louise Quince, 2: Leisl Woods, 3: Alison Downes, Str: Helen Tawton, Cox: Sarah Cox, Cch: Sarah Techritz
3rd Toorak College - Bow: Kate Alexander, 2: Hannah Bowen, 3: Jess Robbins, Str: Jacqui Young, Cox: Danielle Emerson, Cch: Gary Tsundo
4th Geelong Grammar - Bow: Althea Hartley, 2: Alexis Derham, 3: Georgie Nelson, Str: Julia Davies, Cox: Leah McKenzie, Cch: Katie Gladman
Coxed Four Year 10 Division 4
Final A
1st MLC - Bow: Jemima Hogg, 2: Laura Consalvo, 3: Jess Smith, Str: Beth King, Cox: Belina Hii, Cch: Kathy McBride
2nd Loreto MH - Bow: Amy Pollard, 2: Laura Wagg, 3: Lilian Richards, Str: Hannah O’Shaughnessy, Cox: Sophie Ball, Cch: Emily Petricola
3rd Geelong Grammar - Bow: Claire Kilpatrick, 2: Verity Male, 3: Sheridn Harley, Str: Eleanor Pascall, Cox: Kim Dang, Cch: Alastair Wilson
4th Geelong Grammar - Bow: Millie Gates, 2: Merryn Clancy, 3: Hayley Doyle, Str: Lucy Speirs, Cox: Eve Johnson, Cch: Cameron Dow
Coxed Four Year 10 Division 5
Final A
1st MLC - Bow: Amy O’Brien, 2: Jessica Mitchell-Bryant, 3: Renee Clark, Str: Sophie Parsons, Cox: Laura Borelli, Cch: Melissa Walton
2nd Genazzano - Bow: Nicole Gurguis, 2: Camille Cranenburgh, 3: Zoe Nikakis, Str: Erir Burgess, Cox: Sally James, Cch: Elizabeth Barlow
3rd Loreto MH - Bow: Gabrielle Berends, 2: Dominique Spanos, 3: Sophie Groom, Str: Jessica Gamble, Cox: Georgina Flood, Cch: David Owen
4th Loreto MH - Bow: Kate Rawling, 2: Jess Foley, 3: Claire Gibbs, Str: Jane Tehan, Cox: Vanessa Leoncelli, Cch: Jaye Lau
Year 9 Race Results
Single Scull Year 9 Division 1
Final A
1st Melbourne GC - Katie Franks, Cch: Barry Gardner
Coxed Quad Scull Year 9 Division 1
Final A
1st MLC - Bow: Maggie Marsh, 2: Tess Elliot, 3: Eloise Booth, Str: Lisa Wollerman, Cox: Sarah Gundlach, Cch: Holly Ames
2nd St Catherine’s - Bow: Georgie Seckull, 2: Catherine Hutton, 3: Georgia Beattie, Str: Victoria Prowse, Cox: Cynthia Sear, Cch: Nick Brooks
3rd Melbourne Girls’ GS - Bow: Georgina Tandy, 2: Alexandra Dane, 3: Kate Hilbert, Str: Amelia McColl, Cox: Ziba Ghadamian, Cch: Jessica Hyams, Julian Voller
Coxed Four Year 9 Division 1
Final A
1st Clonard - Bow: Elise Gercke, 2: Kate Skinner, 3: Nyssa Lonsdale, Str: Jenny Humeniuk, Cox: Hayley Clark, Cch: John Rayson
2nd Geelong College - Bow: Chloe Noble, 2: Natasha Cluley-Bolsin, 3: Serena Peardon, Str: Chloe Henderson, Cox: Jacky Doran, Cch: Sue Campbell
3rd Melbourne GC - Bow: Meg Wood, 2: Alla Ladd, 3: Jessica Davidson, Str: Kelly West, Cox: Ayla O’Brien, Cch: Larissa Prior
4th Carey Grammar - Bow: Robyn Peters, 2: Stef Spiller, 3: Megan Graham, Str: Rachelle Pitard, Cox: Olivia Stewart-Holmes, Cch: Rebecca Michael, Kim Smiley
Coxed Quad Scull Year 9 Division 2
Final A
1st MLC - Bow: Ingrid Stead, 2: Amy Dixon, 3: Elana Harari, Str: Caroline Arden, Cox: Lucy Jacobs, Cch: Molly Bobeff, Alice Dore
2nd Ruyton - Bow: Sarah Bennett, 2: Clare Bull, 3: Helen Silver, Str: Emma Weekly, Cox: Hannah Cropley, Cch: Sarah Coxon
3rd St Catherine’s - Bow: Stephanie Kelahar, 2: Annabelle West, 3: Anna Segal, Str: Sophie Rodd, Cox: Anna Daish, Cch: Prue Lording
4th Sacred Heart - Bow: Jacqueline Baranski, 2: Rachel Fry, 3: Amelia Taylor, Str: Casey Hardiman, Cox: Amy Guy, Cch: Alan Fry
Coxed Four Year 9 Division 2
Final A
1st MLC - Bow: Jess Medland, 2: Alia Slamet, 3: Sarah Piper, Str: Jaide Crosbie, Cox: Sophia Tsiligiannis, Cch: Lauren Harry
2nd Geelong College - Bow: Hannah Cooke, 2: Philippa Herd, 3: Sarah Schofield, Str: Jacqueline Fagg, Cox: Kate Goldsworthy, Cch: Megan Voice
3rd Firbank Grammar - Bow: Scarlett Blewhett, 2: Polly McNicol, 3: Emma Johnson, Str: Susie Dawes, Cox: Sophie Timms, Cch: Lucy Pring
4th Ballarat Grammar - Bow: Laura Taylor, 2: Kate Coughlan, 3: Prue McLaughlan, Str: Claire Wills, Cox: Whitney, Cch: Bill Gribble
Coxed Quad Scull Year 9 Division 3
Final A
1st St Catherine’s - Bow: Anna Glynn, 2: Inge Jabara, 3: Claire Hatherley, Str: Georgie Roberts, Cox: Annette Adams, Cch: Louisa Blanche
2nd MLC - Bow: Emma Zalcman, 2: Louisa Whitehead, 3: Glen White, Str: Isabelle Sinclair, Cox: Eliza Skinner, Cch: Jane Terry
3rd Melbourne Girls’ GS - Bow: Margaret Moon, 2: Alice Wells, 3: Kim Clayton-Greene, Str: Sophie Byrne, Cox: Samantha Margets, Cch: Hardy Cubasch
4th Ruyton - Bow: Persephone Wales, 2: Phillipa Allan, 3: Emily McKendry, Str: Harriet Munckton, Cox: Nicola Rodger, Cch: Gina Booth
Coxed Four Year 9 Division 3
Final A
1st MLC - Bow: Elise Fredrick, 2: Penny Henderson, 3: Alicia Carter, Str: Georgie Langmead, Cox: Lauren Cockrell, Cch: Meg Hutchins
2nd St Catherine’s - Bow: Bridie Doyle, 2: Katherine Shiels, 3: Annabelle Wilson, Str: Phoebe Hammon, Cox: Stephanie Poole, Cch: Tanya Johnston
3rd St Catherine’s - Bow: Julia Lang, 2: Isabella Curtis, 3: Charlotte Leech, Str: Samantha Healy, Cox: Steph Rusden, Cch: Sarah Brown, Annabelle Peters
4th Ballarat Grammar - Bow: Lauren Pitson, 2: Penny Boadie, 3: Karina Duncan, Str: Rachel Pitson, Cox: Sarah Pickavance, Cch: Pat Gabb, Bob Bateman
Coxed Four Year 9 Division 4A
Final A
1st Melbourne Girls’ GS - Bow: Rebecca Hudson, 2: Claire Miller, 3: Emily Bennet, Str: Jessie Smith, Cox: Alexandra Smibert, Cch: Richard Nesseler
2nd St Catherine’s - Bow: Edwina Born, 2: Melissa Wade, 3: Belinda Simmons, Str: Mary Stewart, Cox: Unknown, Cch: Jessica Tallant, Amy Bourke
3rd Firbank Grammar - Bow: Sarah Bartholomeusz, 2: Georgina Trivett, 3: Kate O’Halloran, Str: Lauren Dutch, Cox: Emma Hill, Cch: Kate Schafer
4th Loreto MH - Bow: Claudine Wright, 2: Lucie Chalmers, 3: Emily Freezer, Str: Isobelle Jones, Cox: Emily Varenti, Cch: Nerita Benetti
Coxed Four Year 9 Division 4B
Final A
1st St Catherine’s - Bow: Amy Ross-Edwards, 2: Gena Summons, 3: Georgia Morgan, Str: Caroline Kelly, Cox: Jasna Dixon, Cch: Eliza Bartlett
2nd Melbourne Girls’ GS - Bow: Claudia Cameron, 2: Stephanie Daly, 3: Lisa Callaghan, Str: Sofija Lane, Cox: Amanda Crofts, Cch: Richard Ross
3rd MLC - Bow: Kate Bailey, 2: Steph Csefalvay, 3: Alex Wheelan, Str: Alison Crowe, Cox: Anusha Galbally, Cch: Lucy Adams
4th Loreto MH - Bow: Emma Simpson, 2: Romy Low, 3: Karen Merwart, Str: Emma Kingsbury, Cox: Meghan Sweeney, Cch: Melissa Clarke
Coxed Four Year 9 Division 5A
Final A
1st Ruyton - Bow: Sophie Hindle, 2: Natasha Anderson, 3: Felicity Connon, Str: Elizabeth Davenport, Cox: Tessa Piccolo, Cch: Milly Terracall
2nd Loreto MH - Bow: Rebecca Green, 2: Georgina Balmer, 3: Lucy Freer, Str: Emma Mulkearns, Cox: Rafaella Baker, Cch: Vivienne Ringersma
3rd Firbank Grammar - Bow: Liana Krassas, 2: Lauren Hartigar, 3: Alison McAtamney, Str: Julia Bell, Cox: Simone Adams, Cch: Kristy Strain
4th Loreto MH - Bow: Bridger Allanadale, 2: Anthea Kypreos, 3: Samantha Barrett, Str: Sarah Mann, Cox: Celia Doyle, Cch: James David
Coxed Four Year 9 Division 5B
Final A
1st MLC - Bow: Renee Canzoneri, 2: Briony McKenzie, 3: Cassandra Webb, Str: Isabelle Murphy, Cox: Julia Karge, Cch: Negar Athari, Jaye Stirling
2nd Melbourne Girls’ GS - Bow: Emma Cohen, 2: Annabelle Reid, 3: Kate Marron, Str: Muala Bethall, Cox: Pamela Dyson, Cch: James Marburg
3rd St Catherine’s - Bow: Victoria Hargreaves, 2: Alex Foxcroft, 3: Cara Foley, Str: Alex Hoffman, Cox: Loretta Miu, Cch: Megan Shiels, Emma Ronald
4th Geelong College - Bow: Rebecca Ewer, 2: Rebecca Kerr, 3: Haeley Brown, Str: Eliza Rose, Cox: Katie Grieg, Cch: Sally Watt
2001 regatta programme
Rob Zahara collection
Rowing Victoria: www.rowingvictoria.asn.au/competition/HOSG/