1996 VIC Head of Schoolgirls' Regatta
The host school this year was Carey Grammar School.
The regatta continued its considerable growth with 27 events, 38 schools and 1275 competitors.
After the introduction of sculling races in 1995, Susie Palfreyman in her President's Report in 1996 stated her hope that over the next few years that such racing would consolidate and build to place greater emphasis on sculling for younger rowers. Her hope was realised with most school programs adopting sculling as the preferred pathway into the sport.
The complexity of hosting the regatta without prior experience was evident. Rob Blair prepared an operations manual for host schools in 1995 to guide them in how to run the regatta. The detailed manual was critical in enabling schools to manage the complexities of the event.
1996 Programme Cover
Organising Committee and Officials
Head of the Schoolgirls Regatta Committee: Susie Palfreyman (President), Rob Zahara (Vice-President), John Hale (Treasurer), Jim Spithill (Secretary), Stephen Mollard, John Downie, Josie Millard, Pam Westendorf, James Gobbo, Rob Kemp, Michael West, Rene Klupacs, Geoff Barden and De Fraser.
Regatta hosts: Carey Grammar School. Convenor: Susie Costello. Regatta Secretary: Robert Blair, Assistant Regatta Secretary: Jim Spithill
Jury: Ron Podbury (Referee), Robin Murphy (Assistant Referee), Robert Allen, Noel Clark, Rod Florence, Nadia Gishen, Jane Greig, Sophie Lloyd, Emma Kelson, Ian Murray, Ralph Murphy, Ron Negri, Sandy Collins, Bernie Crimmins, Rob Kemp, Jane Kemp, Kelly Jenkins, Rene Klupacs and Sally Pianta.
Open Race Results
Single Scull Open Division 1
Final A
1st St Anne’s & Gippsland - Fiona Wilde, Cch: Kate Borger
2nd Mathew Flinders - Meghann Jones, Cch: Dick Gerrard
3rd Melbourne Girls’ GS - Megan O’Mullane, Cch: David Boykett
4th Goulburn Valley - Ann Tadich, Cch: James Lewis
Coxed Quad Scull Open Division 1
Final A
1st MLC - Bow: Sally Gentle, 2: Dianna Horman, 3: Astrid Gray, Str: Penny Cottle, Cox: Emily Trewartha, Cch: Brenton Terrel
2nd Genazzano - Bow: Kate Perry, 2: Julia Deangelis, 3: Nicole Van Helden, Str: Meike Boynton, Cox: Liz Reid, Cch: Sue Herold
3rd Sacred Heart - Bow: Sarah Klupacs, 2: Marnie Dahlhaus, 3: Carolyn West, Str: Megan Vokic, Cox: Kate Matson, Cch: Rob Kemp
4th Melbourne Girls’ GS - Bow: Emily Klopper, 2: Lisa McPhail, 3: Stephanie Williams, Str: Kate Rickards, Cox: Anna Duncan, Cch: Cameron Boykett
Coxed Four Open Division 1
Final A
1st Geelong Grammar - Bow: Charlotte Coote, 2: Sarah Morton, 3: Julia Smith, Str: Kate Hudson, Cox: Katherine McDermott, Cch: Lyall McCarthy
2nd Lauriston - Bow: Elizabeth Ryan, 2: Annemarie Pollard, 3: Rachel Constantopoulos, Str: Hannah McKeand, Cox: Anneli Johansson, Cch: Nic Boileau
3rd Lowther Hall - Bow: Clare Lehner, 2: Alina Hoyne, 3: Matti Clements, Str: Bonnie Lakey, Cox: Cara Burns, Cch: Paul Sullivan, Karen Courtney-Haag
4th Caulfield Grammar - Bow: Chelsea Evans, 2: Heidi Gartner, 3: Lisa Farrelly, Str: Ky Saunders, Cox: Kate Pennycuick, Cch: Ross Henderson
Eight Open Division 1
Final A
1st Geelong Grammar - Bow: Sophie Currer, 2: Ruth Langford, 3: Georgina McInnes, 4: Euphemie Harris, 5: Sarah Morton, 6: Charlotte Coote, 7: Julia Smith, Str: Kate Hudson, Cox: Katherine McDermott, Cch: Lyall McCarthy, D. Belcher
2nd MLC - Bow: Kate Huntington, 2: Edwina Howell, 3: Kate Pirrie, 4: Deanna Horman, 5: Catriona Oliver, 6: Sally Gentle, 7: Astrid Gray, Str: Penny Cottle, Cox: Emily Treewartha, Cch: Brenton Terrel, M. Cade
3rd Wesley - Bow: Sally McManamy, 2: Alison Poore, 3: Emma Wartski, 4: Kristina Batchelor, 5: Cathy McArthur, 6: Crystal Antica, 7: Sharon Waters, Str: Nadine Kapitaniak, Cox: Jessica Blood, Cch: Craig Adrians, Pam Westendorf
4th St Catherine’s - Bow: Prue Lording, 2: Melissa Clark, 3: Sally Mcapherson, 4: Cecilia Riebl, 5: Angela Lie, 6: Gemma Butler, 7: Charlotte Strang, Str: Zoe Carr, Cox: Filamena Bruce, Cch: N. Forbes, Tim Fogarty
Single Scull Open Division 2
Final A
1st Toorak College - Cassie McConnell, Cch: Jack Bennett
2nd Genazzano - Hannah Lenehan
3rd St Catherine’s - Joanna Pizzey, Cch: Annabelle Eaton, Colley Beer
4th St Anne’s & Gippsland - Caroline Wilde, Cch: Alison Parker
Coxed Quad Scull Open Division 2
Final A
1st Firbank Grammar - Bow: Alicia Snelling, 2: Rachael Lloyd, 3: Melanie Hayden, Str: Georgina Fast, Cox: Sally Anderson, Cch: Stephanie Fast
2nd Genazzano - Bow: Ricci Shepherd, 2: Clare McCardel, 3: Kate White, Str: Alexandra Neumann, Cox: Olivia Smith, Cch: Richard Harvey
3rd St Catherine’s - Bow: Jacinta Hayes, 2: Catherine Ogilvy, 3: Kate Robinson, Str: Elizabeth Doody, Cox: Amy Brennan, Cch: Nick Inglis
4th Loreto MH - Bow: Louisa Coleman, 2: Vanessa Seconinno, 3: Colette Herman, Str: Georgina Quinn, Cox: Marielle Sullivan, Cch: Stuart Peele, Paul Reedy
Coxed Four Open Division 2
Final A
1st St Catherine’s - Bow: Prue Lording, 2: Cecilia Riebl, 3: Sally Macpherson, Str: Melissa Clark, Cox: May Lilley, Cch: Tim Fogarty
2nd Geelong Grammar - Bow: Melinda Tyak, 2: Kate Urquhart, 3: Natalya Morgan, Str: Libby McMillan, Cox: Nicole Holmes, Cch: Stuart Purves
3rd Loreto MH - Bow: Catherine Stribley, 2: Miriam Slattery, 3: Katherine Woodruff, Str: Caroline Petricola, Cox: Lucie Douez, Cch: Brad Kerr
4th Lauriston - Bow: Sally Crittenden, 2: Georgina Consett, 3: Eleanor Garnys, Str: Katrine Peden, Cox: Sophie Simpson, Cch: Al Isherwood
Coxed Four Open Division 3
Final A
1st Robinvale SC - Bow: Andrea Guest, 2: Louise Ellis, 3: Sally Goullet, Str: Sianne Farnsworth, Cox: Ebony Markham, Cch: Stephen Goodwin
2nd Loreto MH - Bow: Jane Castles, 2: Clare Papaluca, 3: Pia Sabbadini, Str: Monique George, Cox: Georgina Coleman, Cch: Joanna Hawker
3rd Genazzano - Bow: Danielle Brenton, 2: Elizabeth O’Brien, 3: Antonia Magee, Str: Cassandra Frost, Cox: Stephanie Higgins, Cch: Martin McGavin
4th St Catherine’s - Bow: Edwina Fordyce, 2: Fiona Costello, 3: Jessica Jones, Str: Emma Stanley, Cox: Sophie Viska, Cch: Sophie Morrison
Coxed Four Open Division 4
Final A
1st Firbank Grammar - Bow: Amie Paynter, 2: Georgia Bunn, 3: Laura Blunden, Str: Barbara Kurdiovsky, Cox: Emily Anderson, Cch: Geoff Barden
2nd Geelong Grammar - Bow: Kate Cromie, 2: Liz Kelly, 3: Alice Cook, Str: Andrea Collis, Cox: Georgina Knight, Cch: Sam Smith
3rd St Anne’s & Gippsland - Bow: Anna Blandford, 2: Caroline Wilde, 3: Laine Bell, Str: Sarah Daleish, Cox: Kendall Slater, Cch: Alison Parker
4th Lowther Hall - Bow: Jessica Gavaghan, 2: Henna Hannermann, 3: Leah Dickinson, Str: Amy Drew, Cox: Sarah Cleary, Cch: Karen Courtney-Haag
Coxed Four Open Division 5
Final A
1st Geelong Grammar - Bow: Hilary McGeachy, 2: Emily O’Brien, 3: Rosa Marchetti, Str: Jessica Probert, Cox: Moyan Phillips, Cch: Amanda Hinds
2nd Geelong College - Bow: Kelly Hughes, 2: Reiko Kimura, 3: Caroline Renick, Str: Jane Chisholm, Cox: Claire Hammond, Cch: Louise Monotti, Murray Johns
3rd Ruyton - Bow: Brianna Grigg, 2: Meg Lewis, 3: Liz Sayers, Str: Georgina Sutton, Cox: Liz Andrews, Cch: Ronny Brazdil
4th Catholic College Sale - Bow: Rebecca Telling, 2: Anika Lambrecht, 3: Kate Morrissey, Str: Lauren Butler, Cox: Gaye Davies, Cch: Noel Thomas
Coxed Four Open Division 6
Final A
1st Melbourne Girls’ GS - Bow: Jodie Cloke, 2: Bronwyn Puttyfoot, 3: Glenda Riddoch, Str: Amy Lehmann, Cox: Lynlet Anderson, Cch: Richard Ryan
2nd Geelong College - Bow: Georgina Hart, 2: Jane Dennis, 3: Jane Billings, Str: Matilda Hobbs, Cox: Isobel Laker, Cch: Murray Johns, Louise Monotti
3rd St Catherine’s - Bow: Sarah Carlile, 2: Sarah Cumming, 3: Kate Wyld, Str: Victoria Pearce, Cox: Penny Smith, Cch: Robert Kemp, Caroline Viska
4th Catholic College Sale - Bow: Lauren Ditmar, 2: Penny Silby, 3: Bridget Griffin, Str: Sarah Coleman, Cox: Carolynne Considine, Cch: Rebecca Considine, Stephen Parker
Year 10 Race Results
Single Scull Year 10 Division 1
Final A
1st Toorak College - Sarah Lloyd, Cch: Dougall Ethell
2nd Oberon - Amanda Haynes, Cch: Don Bridges
3rd Norlane High - Danielle Jenkins, Cch: Don Bridges
4th St Catherine’s - Charlotte Molesworth, Cch: Shelley Beer
Coxed Quad Scull Year 10 Division 1
Final A
1st MLC - Bow: Nicole Kee, 2: Belinda Martin, 3: Angela Richmond, Str: Katie Davies, Cox: Rebecca Lawton, Cch: Georgie Radcliffe-Smith
2nd Genazzano - Bow: Megan Gannon, 2: Sarah O’Connell, 3: Rebecca Rush, Str: Jane McGuiness, Cox: Lucy Ford, Cch: Richard Harvey
3rd Loreto MH - Bow: Lucinda Gannon, 2: Anne Conroy, 3: Stephanie Keenan, Str: Vivienne Ringersma, Cox: Phoebe Knowles, Cch: Gus Higgins
4th Lauriston - Bow: Julia Gaylard, 2: Caroline Fiddler, 3: Georgie Johnston, Str: Katie Moore, Cox: Miranda Noble, Cch: Josh Noakes
Coxed Four Year 10 Division 1
Final A
1st St Catherine’s - Bow: Sally-Anne Miller, 2: Amy Bell, 3: Sarah Webster, Str: Alicia Vivarini, Cox: Annabelle McRae, Cch: Annabelle Eaton
2nd Geelong College - Bow: Katie Gladman, 2: Lauren Fleetwood, 3: Kiri Bilson, Str: Alison McMillan, Cox: Kelly Bollen, Cch: Andrew Gibson
3rd Sacred Heart - Bow: Annelise Jens, 2: Sally McKeag, 3: Kate McMannus, Str: Irene Haase, Cox: Aleisha Klupacs, Cch: Colin Harvey
4th Ruyton - Bow: Sarah Anderson, 2: Kristen Huxley, 3: Jessica Morgan, Str: Sarah Chapman, Cox: Amy Rhind, Cch: Sally Ninham
Coxed Quad Scull Year 10 Division 2
Final A
1st Firbank Grammar - Bow: Cathryn Coady, 2: Penny Thistlethwaite, 3: Virginia Carr, Str: Natalie Logan, Cox: Janet Buntine, Cch: Andrew Fast
2nd Loreto MH - Bow: Emily Petricola, 2: Sarah Candolfo, 3: Clare O’Neill, Str: Katie Ralph, Cox: Meaghan O’Loughlin, Cch: Jason Faranda
3rd Lauriston - Bow: Lisa Leung, 2: Lucy Cohen, 3: Lauren Thompson, Str: Daniela Skotnicki, Cox: Lauren Constantopoulos, Cch: Edward Archibald
4th MLC - Bow: Alice Forsyth, 2: Zoe Lane, 3: Louisa Carter, Str: Alison Trewartha, Cox: Coco Pinnis, Cch: Linda Skidmore
Coxed Four Year 10 Division 2
Final A
1st MLC - Bow: Kari Entwistle, 2: Ros King, 3: Sara Croke, Str: Clare Looker, Cox: Veronica Loras, Cch: Melissa Lawton
2nd St Anne’s & Gippsland - Bow: Amy Lewis, 2: Gemma Noble, 3: Kelly Foat, Str: Angela Gaw, Cox: Joanna Macmeikan, Cch: Roger McLaurin
3rd St Michael’s - Bow: Cassandra Black, 2: Jane Loveday, 3: Anna Barton, Str: Laura Barlow, Cox: Unknown, Cch: David Wood
4th Firbank Grammar - Bow: Madeleine Tempany, 2: Louisa Vickers, 3: Nicole Scotis, Str: Danny Van der Griend, Cox: Janey Tootel, Cch: Jo Teasdale
Coxed Four Year 10 Division 3
Final A
1st Loreto MH - Bow: Alice Penna, 2: Angela McFarland, 3: Nancy Sposato, Str: Lucy Maule, Cox: Alana Spadaro, Cch: Ross Featherstone
2nd Geelong Grammar - Bow: Emily Henry, 2: Sophie Pateras, 3: Julia North, Str: Anna Loughnan, Cox: Sarah Landy, Cch: Tavis Watt
3rd MLC - Bow: Edwina Scott, 2: Michelle Tuck, 3: Mary O’Connor, Str: Kathryn Holliday, Cox: Jessica Ginnane, Cch: Jo Monger
4th Genazzano - Bow: Karla Boynton, 2: Jessica Gole, 3: Catherine Bolton, Str: Jane Higgins, Cox: Chantal Vallence, Cch: Nick Kuchin
Coxed Four Year 10 Division 4
Final A
1st Genazzano - Bow: Jodie Angus, 2: Stephanie Price, 3: Kate MacNamara, Str: Anna Dupuche, Cox: Amanda Wilson, Cch: Sarah Billens
2nd MLC - Bow: Felicity Robb, 2: Marcelle Gray, 3: Clare Phillips, Str: Suleen McLeish, Cox: Katrina Yip, Cch: Amanda Coster
3rd Catholic College Sale - Bow: Rochelle Foggo, 2: Tina Rickwood, 3: Stelia Hadjiangeli, Str: Alison Fraser, Cox: Penny Fraser, Cch: Ian Howard
4th Melbourne Girls’ GS - Bow: Catherine Chisholm, 2: Clea Wallace, 3: Vivian Gerrand, Str: Belinda McPhail, Cox: Ella Curtis, Cch: Danielle Jenner
Coxed Four Year 10 Division 5
Final A
1st Melbourne Girls’ GS - Bow: Sarah Pilcher, 2: Casey Long, 3: Bree Harrop, Str: Elizabeth Sanders, Cox: Emma Cable, Cch: Lucy Broome
2nd Loreto MH - Bow: Anna-Marie Black, 2: Emmaline Jones, 3: Jodie Fry, Str: Rachel McInerney, Cox: Jennifer Bishop, Cch: Phil Bell
3rd Geelong College - Bow: Jane Mitchell, 2: Rachel Mol, 3: Bronwyn McDonald, Str: Lucinda Kent, Cox: Nikki Gunawardana, Cch: Matthew Pigdon
4th Geelong College - Bow: Belinda Peardon, 2: Jean McLean, 3: Louise Lochhead, Str: Josette Loomes, Cox: Cathy Morris, Cch: Jackie Pigdon
Year 9 Race Results
Single Scull Year 9 Division 1
Final A
1st Toorak College - Kylie Lloyd, Cch: Dougall Ethell
2nd Ruyton - Katia Sanderson, Cch: Sally Ninham
3rd Genazzano - Anna Perry, Cch: Katherine Cary
4th Genazzano - Bridget Borgobello, Cch: Louise Peterson
Coxed Quad Scull Year 9 Division 1
Final A
1st Loreto MH - Bow: Megan Walters, 2: Genevieve Audley, 3: Louise Lonergan, Str: Philippa Zahara, Cox: Charlotte Hickey, Cch: Sarah Lachal
2nd Genazzano - Bow: Kate Mulgueen, 2: Nicola Voselis, 3: Rebecca Howsam, Str: Stephanie Thomas, Cox: Maree Wilding, Cch: Rhys Tyrrell
3rd Fintona - Bow: Sara Bragg, 2: Vanessa Foo, 3: Katie Mainsbridge, Str: Kate Syme, Cox: Marcail Arthuthnot, Cch: Fleur Diprose, Jason Day
4th Lauriston - Bow: Meagan Shand, 2: Alex Augustine, 3: Emily Wilmonth, Str: Lisette Schlesinger, Cox: Diana Poole, Cch: Danielle Cooper
Coxed Four Year 9 Division 1
Final A
1st Ruyton - Bow: Gina Booth, 2: Kate Johnson, 3: Georgie Lewis, Str: Eliza Catchlove, Cox: Lucy Terracall, Cch: Cathy Knight
2nd Toorak College - Bow: Nicole Jackson, 2: Rochelle Nicholl, 3: Racheal Lockwood, Str: Ruth Hackel, Cox: Claire Kimpton, Cch: Lee Halligan
3rd Lowther Hall - Bow: Erin Cordwell, 2: Caroline Ayers, 3: Kate Gavaghan, Str: Kate Dullard, Cox: Miranda Malimuk, Cch: Cath Mason
4th St Catherine’s - Bow: Laura Douglas, 2: Alice Agar, 3: Bridget Ross, Str: Jessica Tallent, Cox: Annabelle Peters, Cch: Rebecca Joyce
Coxed Quad Scull Year 9 Division 2
Final A
1st Firbank Grammar - Bow: Candice Pickering, 2: Stefanie Oakes, 3: Fiona McKell, Str: Amy Palfreyman, Cox: Victoria Bulfin, Cch: Andrew Fast
2nd St Catherine’s - Bow: Fiona Turner, 2: Amy Burke, 3: Georgina Oliver, Str: Barbara Veall, Cox: Miranda Hanger, Cch: Ben Sullivan
3rd Loreto MH - Bow: Sarah Cichy, 2: Elizabeth Harvey, 3: Stephanie Doyle, Str: Suzanne Castles, Cox: Sara Woodruff, Cch: Nanna Hedberg
4th Lauriston - Bow: Sarah Rist, 2: Olivia Dobrzanski, 3: Emily Keon-Cohen, Str: Lydia Gedge, Cox: Wendy Adams, Cch: Sophie Morell
Coxed Four Year 9 Division 2
Final A
1st Ruyton - Bow: Felicity Irvine, 2: Phoebe Croyle, 3: Sophie Smibert, Str: Fiona Finlayson, Cox: Lue Kew, Cch: Sophie Loras
2nd Firbank Grammar - Bow: Elizabeth Kinnon, 2: Clare Hicks, 3: Amy McLean, Str: Louise Marshall, Cox: Hannah Jones, Cch: Haley Frodshan
3rd Toorak College - Bow: Tess Sly, 2: Sarah Jay, 3: Kristen Bunyard, Str: Amy Jones, Cox: Sandy Briglia, Cch: Dougall Ethell
4th Sacred Heart - Bow: Laura Burt, 2: Kathryn Andrews, 3: Katherine Ryan, Str: Lia Rizzi, Cox: Rhonda Panjkov, Cch: Carlie Grant
Coxed Four Year 9 Division 3
Final A
1st St Catherine’s - Bow: Rebecca Troon, 2: Ingrid Vickery, 3: Carla Valmorbida, Str: Jessica Hyams, Cox: Eliza Bartlett, Cch: Anna Stanley
2nd St Catherine’s - Bow: Claire Stewart, 2: Chrystal Smith, 3: Amanda Hodder, Str: Xanthe Ranger, Cox: Fleur Forsyth, Cch: Dan Fahy
3rd Genazzano - Bow: Lauren Demarte, 2: Olivia Nervo, 3: Jade Minterm, Str: Georgia Randell, Cox: Sarah O’Brien, Cch: Stephanie Rodwell
4th Toorak College - Bow: Alana Stanley, 2: Liza Wallis, 3: Ainslie Hill, Str: Katie Baird, Cox: Belinda Mathews, Cch: Michelle McConnell
Coxed Four Year 9 Division 4
Final A
1st St Catherine’s - Bow: Lindsay Williams, 2: Anna Crawford, 3: Madeleine Jenkins, Str: Jacqui Pearse, Cox: Amanda Shiels, Cch: Bryan Wilson
2nd St Catherine’s - Bow: Skye Milchman, 2: Rosie Cirrito, 3: Georgia Hargraves, Str: Lissa Rainford, Cox: Margaret Harrison, Cch: Alexis Gillespie, Tom Kennedy
3rd Loreto MH - Bow: Jane Balmer, 2: Jennifer Turnbull, 3: Elanor McInerney, Str: Olivia Garvey, Cox: Belinda Bowman, Cch: Sarah Chibnall
4th Loreto MH - Bow: Zoe Kitchen, 2: Hannah Whiting, 3: Olivia Burns, Str: Natalie Flegg, Cox: Jane Serong, Cch: Pip Harry
Coxed Four Year 9 Division 5
Final A
1st St Catherine’s - Jessica Wilson, 2: Chloe Bourne, 3: Alex Paton, Str: Prue Hogg, Cox: Georgina Hinton, Cch: Paul Roberts
2nd St Catherine’s - Bow: Rebecca Parker, 2: Philippa Elder, 3: India Ramsey, Str: Anna Lucas, Cox: Caroline Roylance, Cch: Nicholas Brooks
3rd Loreto MH - Bow: Hannah Price, 2: Jacqui Vidal, 3: Amy Wark, Str: Amber Madden, Cox: Isobel Kitchen, Cch: Louise Juracich
4th Catholic College Sale - Bow: Danielle McAlpine, 2: Claire McGoldrick, 3: Emily Anderson, Str: Janelle Harper, Cox: Grace Greenwood, Cch: Ian Howard
1996 and 1997 regatta programs
Rob Zahara's records
Rowing Victoria: www.rowingvictoria.asn.au/competition/HOSG/