1990 Trans Tasman Regatta– Penrith NSW AUS
The Rusty Robertson trophy was presented for the first time at this regatta as the overall points score trophy for the Senior B (U23) competition. The trophy was presented in memory of the late Rusty Robertson, famed coach of both Australian and New Zealand crews, who died in 1990.
Points for the series are allocated on the basis of 2 points for the first crew from either country and 1 point for the losing crew in each race, with the priority events carrying double points. Only the first crew from each country is eligible for points.
Australia won the Rusty Robinson Trophy.
Presentation of the Rusty Robertson Trophy to Jack Bennett, Australian Team Manager
This regatta was conducted on the last weekend of the Australian Rowing Team's camp in Penrith (15th-30th September 1990). All races were open to club high performance athletes.
The competition included the following components and events: Senior B competition between Australia and New Zealand for the Rusty Robertson Trophy in Women's U23 4-, Women's U23 1x, Men's U23 8, Men's U23 4-, Men's U23 4+ and Men's U23 1x.
Senior A competition against NZL in all categories in which NZL or AUS will enter crews in the World Championships. These were: W8, W4-, W2x, M8, M4+, M4-, M4x, M2x, LW1x, LW2x, LW4-, LM1x, LM4x, LM8, LM4- and M4-.
The regatta also gave the opportunity for Australian rowers to challenge a time to gain entry to the Australian team in events where no Australian crew had been entered. These events were M2-, M2+, M1x, LM1x, LM2x, W1x, W4x, W2- and LW2x. Several crews qualified through this process.
Australian Team
Team manager: Jack Bennett (VIC)