2005 World Junior Championships– Brandenburg Germany
The Junior Championships were held from 1st-6th August 2005 (inclusive) at Brandenburg Germany. This was shortly after the World Rowing Under 23 Championships in Amsterdam.
The selections for these Championships took place at the Sydney International Regatta Centre on 15-17th April 2005, immediately following the selection of the World Championship and Under 23 teams.
The results at the Juniors was below expectations as the selection criteria aims at medals with crews at least finishing the A final. Although these Championships are a highly competitive event and of a high standard, only the women's double from Victoria made the final. The selectors, coaches and rowers will be looking for better in future years.
Despite these results, it proved to be valuable international experience for our rowers who gained much from the racing.
Results – Men
Men's Junior Scull
E1: 1st POR, 2nd GRE, 3rd LTU, 4th ARM, 5th KEN
E2: 1st CRO, 2nd ARG, 3rd BUL, 4th GBR, 5th CHN
E3: 1st LAT, 2nd CUB, 3rd TUM, 4th COL, 5th MDA
E4: 1st SCG, 2nd EST, 3rd GER, 4th SLO, 5th MKD
E5: 1st SUI, 2nd GEO, 3rd DEN, 4th RUS, 5th JPN
E6: 1st RSA, 2nd ITA, 3rd NED, 4th USA, 5th EGY
R1: 1st GER, 2nd RUS, 3rd GBR, 4th LTU, 5th EGY, 6th MDA
R2: 1st DEN, 2nd BUL, 3rd USA, 4th COL, 5th MKD, 6th KEN
R3: 1st SLO, 2nd NED, 3rd JPN, 4th TUN, ARM DNS
SF D/E: 1st USA, 2nd LTU, 3rd TUN, 4th EGY, 5th MKD
SF D/E: 1st GBR, 2nd CHN, 3rd JPN, 4th COL, 5th MDA
SF A/B/C: 1st LAT, 2nd EST, 3rd CRO, 4th DEN, 5th GEO, 6th NED
SF A/B/C: 1st SCG, 2nd SLO, 3rd SUI, 4th ITA, 5th GRE, 6th RUS
SF A/B/C: 1st GER, 2nd CUB, 3rd POR, 4th ARG, 5th RSA, 6th BUL
Final C: 13th GEO, 14th BUL, 15th GRE, 16th RSA, 17th RUS, 18th NED
Final B: 7th CRO, 8th SUI, 9th ARG, 10th DEN, 11th POR, 12th ITA
Final: 1st SCG (Milan Uzunovic) 7.13..55, 2nd GER (Stefan Krueger) 7.21.21, 3rd EST (Kaspar Taimsoo) 7.23.26,
4th LAT (Janis Timofejevs) 7.23.40, 5th SLO (Klemen Kogler) 7.35.10, 6th CUB (Angel Rodriguez) 7.40.95
Men's Junior Double Scull
Bow James McRae and stroke Matthew Bolt moving away from the start in the semi-final.
©Peter Spurrier
Men's Junior Double Scull
E1: 1st FRA, 2nd CZE, 3rd ITA, 4th RSA, 5th ISR, 6th SIN
E2: 1st SCG, 2nd IRL, 3rd BEL, 4th BUL, 5th GEO
E3: 1st SUI, 2nd ARG, 3rd AUS, 4th USA, 5th GUA
E4: 1st SLO, 2nd CRO, 3rd RUS, 4th MDA, 5th INA
E5: 1st NZL, 2nd SWE, 3rd PAR, 4th TUN, 5th KEN
E6: 1st GER, 2nd LAT, 3rd EST, 4th MEX, 5th IND
R1: 1st CZE, 2nd BEL, 3rd USA, 4th INA
R2: 1st IRL, 2nd AUS, 3rd MDA, 4th KEN
R3: 1st RUS, 2nd ARG, 3rd TUN, 4th IND, 5th SIN
R4: 1st CRO, 2nd MEX, 3rd PAR, 4th ISR
R5: 1st EST, 2nd SWE, 3rd RSA, 4th GEO
R6: 1st ITA, 2nd BUL, 3rd LAT, 4th GUA
SF D/E/F: 1st USA, 2nd GEO, 3rd TUN, 4th KEN
SF D/E/F: 1st RSA, 2nd ISR, 3rd GUA, 4th MDA, 5th SIN
6th KEN
SF A/B/C: 1st CRO, 2nd FRA, 3rd SCG, 4th BUL, 5th SWE, 6th RUS
SF A/B/C: 1st SLO, 2nd ITA, 3rd AUS, 4th BEL, 5th SUI, 6th EST
SF A/B/C: 1st GER, 2nd NZL, 3rd IRL, 4th MEX, 5th CZE, 6th ARG
Final C: 13th ARG, 14th CZE, 15th RUS, 16th SUI, 17th EST, 18th SWE
Final B: 7th SCG, 8th BUL, 9th IRL, 10th AUS, 11th BEL, 12th MEX
Final: 1st GER (Tim Bartels, Hans Gruhne) 6.41.81, 2nd CRO (Hrvoje Jurina, Tomislav Holi) 6.34.38, 3rd
NZL (Daniel Karena, Joseph Sullivan) 6.46.47, 4th FRA (Quentin Colard, Maximilien Bonnier) 6.50.19, 5th
ITA (Ivan Durante, Matteo Milioti) 6.55.83, 6th SLO (Jan Spik, Gasper Fistravec) 6.56.40
Men's Junior Quad Scull
E1: 1st POL, 2nd RUS, 3rd BEL, 4th EST, 5th POR, 6th GRE
E2: 1st ITA, 2nd SLO, 3rd FRA, 4th HUN, 5th LTU, 6th CZE
E3: 1st GBR, 2nd BLR, 3rd NED, 4th AUT, 5th ZIM
E4: 1st GER, 2nd DEN, 3rd JPN, 4th UKR, 5th ESP
R1: 1st DEN, 2nd NED, 3rd HUN, 4th POR
R2: 1st BLR, 2nd FRA, 3rd ESP, 4th EST
R3: 1st SLO, 2nd UKR, 3rd CZE, 4th BEL, 5th ZIM
R4: 1st RUS, 2nd JPN, 3rd GRE, 4th LTU, 5th AUT
SF C/D: 1st GRE, 2nd BEL, 3rd HUN, 4th EST, 5th AUT
SF C/D: 1st CZE, 2nd ESP, 3rd POR, 4th LTU, 5th ZIM
SF: 1st ITA, 2nd SLO, 3rd RUS, 4th POL, 5th NED, 6th FRA
SF: 1st GER, 2nd UKR, 3rd GBR, 4th DEN, 5th BLR, 6th JPN
Final B: 7th BLR, 8th POL, 9th DEN, 10th JPN, 11th FRA, 12th NED
Final: 1st ITA (Jacopo Palma, Bruno Rosetti, Mattia Boschelli, Andrea Messina) 6.07.32, 2nd GER (Clemens
Wenzel, Karl Schulze, Martin Gulyas, Tim Grohmann) 6.07.85, 3rd UKR (Ivan Dovgodko, Dmytro Petrenko, Anton
Zayets, Artem Semeniuk) 6.11.10, 4th SLO (Andrej Pistotnik, Matej Rojec, Rok Rogelj, Andraz Krek) 6.11.40,
5th GBR (Lewis Beech, William Lucas, William Laughton, Benjamin Duggan) 6.14.98, 6th RUS (Dmitry Nikitin,
Andrey Petrov, Maxim Kalinovsky, Andrey Demyanov) 6.27.71
Men's Junior Pair
E1: 1st ITA, 2nd CRO, 3rd LTU, 4th IRL, 5th DEN, 6th SLO
E2: 1st CAN, 2nd GER, 3rd CZE, 4th BLR, 5th ARG, 6th RUS
E3: 1st SCG, 2nd ROM, 3rd EST, 4th AUS, 5th GEO
R1: 1st CZE, 2nd AUS, 3rd LTU, 4th DEN, 5th RUS
R2: 1st EST, 2nd ARG, 3rd IRL, 4th BEL, 5th SLO, 6th GEO
SF: 1st CAN, 2nd ITA, 3rd ROM, 4th EST, 5th IRL, 6th AUS
SF: 1st GER, 2nd SCG, 3rd CZE, 4th ARG, 5th CRO, 6th LTU
Final B: 7th EST, 8th CRO, 9th AUS, 10th IRL, 11th ARG, 12th LTU
Final: 1st ROM (Ionut Moisa, Andrei Timpau) 6.47.00, 2nd ITA (Luca De Maria, Armando Dell'Aquila) 6.50.34,
3rd GER (Florian Koeppen, Kay Benecke) 6.52.33, 4th CAN (Richard Anderson, Will Crothers) 6.54.76, 5th
SCG (Jovan Popovic, Goran Todorovic) 6.55.35, 6th CZE (Jiri Vanek, Jan Vacek) 7.12.00
Men's Junior Coxless Four
E1: 1st GER, 2nd CRO, 3rd CZE, 4th FRA, 5th SCG, 6th GEO
E2: 1st ROM, 2nd CAN, 3rd UKR, 4th SLO, 5th LTU
E3: 1st GBR, 2nd ITA, 3rd HUN, 4th AUS, 5th SUI
R1: 1st HUN, 2nd CZE, 3rd SLO, 4th SUI, 5th GEO
R2: 1st AUS, 2nd SCG, 3rd FRA, 4th UKR, 5th LTU
SF: 1st GER, 2nd ROM, 3rd ITA, 4th AUS, 5th CZE, 6th FRA
SF: 1st GBR, 2nd CRO, 3rd SCG, 4th CAN, 5th SLO, 6th HUN
Final C: 13th BLR, 14th SLO, 15th RUS, 16th DEN, GEO EXC
Final B: 7th HUN, 8th AUS, 9th SLO, 10th CAN, 11th CZE, 12th FRA
Final: 1st ROM (Ioan Mihaila, Marius Luchian, Ionel Strungaru , Leon Ani) 6.17.24, 2nd GER (Richard Schmidt,
Sebastian Mueller, Ivan Saric, Gregor Kolb) 6.17.47, 3rd GBR (Rollo Hoare, Alastair Macleod, Thomas Lucy,
Henry Swales) 6.20.37, 4th CRO (Domagoj Barlovic, Nikola Zunic, Damir Martin, Marin Bogdan) 6.22.50, 5th
SCG (Nemanja Nesic, Aleksandar Radovic, Ivan Ostojic, Aleksandar Djordjevic) 6.28.35, 6th ITA (Adriano
Scardino, Andrea Serventi, Claudio Petrillo, Andrea Palmisano) 6.30.90
Men's Junior Coxed Four
E1: 1st GER, 2nd CAN, 3rd SCG, 4th UKR, 5th RUS, 6th ESP
E2: 1st ITA, 2nd ROM, 3rd GBR, 4th USA, 5th POL, 6th RSA
R1: 1st POL, 2nd CAN, 3rd GBR, 4th UKR, 5th ESP
R2: 1st USA, 2nd SCG, 3rd RUS, 4th RSA, 5th ROM
Final B: 7th GBR, 8th ROM, 9th UKR, 10th RSA, 11th RUS, 12th ESP
Final: 1st GER (Sebastian Kasielke, Carsten Matzat, Maximilian Munski, Eric Johannesen, Ben-Jack Drese)
6.22.19, 2nd ITA (Michele Michelotti, Federico Micaelli, Massimiliano Landi, Francesco Fossi, Stefano Famcelli)
6.23.27, 3rd POL (Rafal Wielgosz, Michal Ratajczak, Radoslaw Milczarek, Kamil Karolkowski, Pawel Nowicki
)6.32.25, 4th USA (Tyler Montgomery, Bradley Werntz, Luke Spielfogel, Adam Jones, Zachary Vlahos) 6.32.83,
5th CAN (Danny Matthews, Josh Gracin, Max Lang, Sterling Reid, Connor Teskey) 33.39, 6th SCG (Dusan Kovacevic,
Ivan Posavec, Nenad Ninkovic, Nenad Bulicic, Ivan Ninkovic) 6.37.91
Men's Junior Eight
E1: 1st USA, 2nd FRA, 3rd BLR, 4th ESP, 5th ITA
E2: 1st NZL, 2nd GER, 3rd GRE, 4th CZE
E3: 1st ROM, 2nd RUS, 3rd GBR, 4th UKR
R: 1st ESP, 2nd ITA, 3rd CZE, 4th UKR
SF: 1st NZL, 2nd RUS, 3rd FRA, 4th GRE, 5th ESP. 6th CZE
SF: 1st GER, 2nd USA, 3rd ROM, 4th ITA, 5th GBR, 6th BLR
Final B: 7th GRE, 8th GBR, 9th BLR, 10th ESP, 11th CZE, 12th ITA
Final: 1st USA (Derek Johnson, Michael Rossidis, Henrik Rummel, Neil McPeak, Neil Stanga, Jesse Johnson,
Clayton Sachs, Michael Gilson, James Germano) 5.58.08, 2nd GER (Thorben Schmiedeberg, Christoph Zimmermann,
Tom Lehmann, Philipp Karnatz, Nils Menke, Mathis Jessen, Enrico Stapel, Tim Laube, Dev Wijekoon) 5.59.75,
3rd ROM (Florin Lauric, Florin Ionut Anton, Ioan Mihaila, Marius Luchian, Ionut Moisa, Andrei Timpau, Ionel
Strungaru, Leon Ani, Gheorghe Calenciuc) 5.59.89, 4th RUS (Konstantin Pastuskhov, Girfan Nagaev, Alexey
Ryghikov, Igor Borozdinov, Ivan Lyubushkin, Dmitrij Lomakin, Nikolaij Bikovnikov, Daniil Vojnov, Ilya Kuzmin)
6.00.56, 5th NZL (Graeme Hill, William Joyce, Hamish McQueen, Guy McEwen, Kiel Mans, Simon Watson, Simon
Taylor, Carl Finlay, Daniel Quigley) 6.03.26, 6th FRA (Florian Cointet, Barthelémy Agostini, Thibaut
Celestin, Jérémie Doucet, Simon Dehove, Jean-Baptiste Regin, Romain Boutron, Benjamin Lang,
Benjamin Manceau) 6.06.74
Men's Junior Pair
Bow Michael Smith, stroke Harrison Law
©Peter Spurrier
Australian Team
Women's Junior Single Scull - Ninth
Charlotte Walters (TAS)
Cch: Paul Newbon (TAS)
Women's Junior Double Scull - Fifth
Bow: Sarah Hawe (VIC)
Str: Rachel Thomas (VIC)
Cch: Brenton Terrell
Men's Junior Double Scull - Tenth
Bow: James McRae (SA)
Str: Matthew Bolt (SA)
Cch: Ron Mobbs (SA)
Men's Junior Pair - Ninth
Bow: Michael Smith (QLD)
Str: Harrison Law (QLD)
Cch: Andrew Service (QLD)
Men's Junior Four - Eighth
Bow: Cameron Girdlestone (NSW)
2: Mitch Estens (NSW)
3: Andrew Connally (NSW)
Str: Andrew Heffer (NSW)
Cch: Damian Mitchelmore (NSW)
Manager: Michael Smith (NSW)
Doctor: Dr Krys Szatsnadjer (VIC)
Head Coach Juniors: Brenton Terrell (VIC)
Jury: Brett Woolfitt (WA)
High Performance Director: Noel Donaldson
Selectors: Dr David Yates (Chairman - VIC), High Performance Director, Barbara Fenner
(SA) and Matt Draper (NSW)
Results – Women
Women's Junior Scull
E1: 1st ITA, 2nd DEN, 3rd AUS, 4th GER, 5th USA, 6th RUS
E2: 1st NZL, 2nd EST, 3rd LAT, 4th LTU, 5th JPN
E3: 1st FRA, 2nd SUI, 3rd SLO, 4th UKR, 5th RSA
R1: 1st LTU, 2nd RUS, 3rd SLO, 4th RUS, 5th RSA
R2: 1st LAT, 2nd GER, 3rd UKR, 4th USA, 5th JPN
SF: 1st FRA, 2nd ITA, 3rd LTU, 4th EST, 5th GER, 6th SLO
SF: 1st NZL, 2nd SUI, 3rd LAT, 4th DEN, 5th AUS, 6th UKR
Final B: 7th DEN, 8th EST, 9th AUS, 10th GER, 11th SLO, 12th UKR
Final: 1st NZL (Emma Twigg) 8.04.68, 2nd ITA (Gisella Bascelli) 8.12.47, 3rd LAT (Liene Bertasjus) 8.18.56,
4th FRA (Clementine Jullien) 8.18.56, 5th SUI (Chantal Weibel) 8.24.07, 6th LTU (Lina Saltyte) 8.38.05
Women's Junior Single Scull
Charlotte Walters
©Peter Spurrier.
Women's Junior Double Scull
E1: 1st GER, 2nd ROM, 3rd UKR, 4th RSA, 5th SLO
E2: 1st HUN, 2nd ESP, 3rd USA, 4th PAR, 5th INA
E3: 1st ITA, 2nd POL, 3rd CRO, 4th LTU, 5th IND
E4: 1st CZE, 2nd AUS, 3rd SWE, 4th CHN, 5th POR
SF: 1st GER, 2nd UKR, 3rd AUS, 4th ITA, 5th ESP, 6th SWE
SF: 1st CZE, 2nd ROM, 3rd RSA, 4th HUN, 5th POL, 6th CRO
R1: 1st UKR, 2nd CRO, 3rd CHN, 4th SLO, 5th POR, 6th PAR
R2: 1st RSA, 2nd SWE, 3rd LTU, 4th USA, 5th IND, 6th INA
SF C/D: 1st CHN, 2nd USA, 3rd PAR, 4th IND
SF C/D: 1st SLO, 2nd POR, 3rd LTU, 4th IND
Final B: 7th ITA, 8th HUN, 9th POL, 10th ESP, 11th CRO, 12th SWE
Final: 1st CZE (Jitka Antosova, Gabriela Varekova) 7.20.82, 2nd GER (Lisa Baues, Melanie Baues) 7.29.86,
3rd ROM (Mihaela Coteata, Adelina Cojocariu) 7.33.69, 4th UKR (Katerina Tarasenko, Olena Buryak) 7.35.65,
5th AUS (as above) 7.40.17, 6th RSA (Peta-Leigh Dakyns, Kirsten McCann) 7.40.37
Women's Junior Double Scull
Bow Sarah Hawe and stroke Rachel Thomas
©Peter Spurrier
Women's Junior Quad Scull
E1: 1st GER, 2nd BLR, 3rd NED, 4th POL, 5th RUS
E2: 1st ITA, 2nd JPN, 3rd CRO, 4th HUN
E3: 1st GBR, 2nd ROM, 3rd FRA, 4th DEN
R: 1st POL, 2nd DEN, 3rd RUS, 4th HUN
SF: 1st GER, 2nd GBR, 3rd FRA, 4th NED, 5th DEN, 6th JPN
SF: 1st BLR, 2nd ITA, 3rd POL. 4th RUS, 5th CRO, 6th ROM
Final B: 7th ROM, 8th NED, 9th DEN, 10th RUS, 11th JPN, 12th CRO
Final: 1st GER (Mandy Reppner, Nora Franzen, Christin Hoffmann, Anna Kluchert) 6.44.96, 2nd BLR (Anastasiya
Fadzenka, Natallia Pryvalava, Alena Zakharava, Viktoria Chepikava) 6.47.48, 3rd GBR (Fern Cotterill, Jacqueline
Round, Kristina Stiller, Francesca Jus-Burke) 6.51.21, 4th ITA (Marta Novelli, Gioia Sacco, Erika Pagliarella,
Veronica Pizzamus) 6.53.21, 5th POL (Milena Badnarek, Natalia Madaj, Karolina Widun, Katarzyna Witek) 6.58.62,
6th FRA (Coralie Simon, Charlotte Gautherot, Caroline Doucet, Pauline Charles) 7.01.25
Women's Junior Pair
E1: 1st ROM, 2nd USA, 3rd BUL, 4th CHN, 5th LTU
E2: 1st ITA, 2nd UKR, 3rd FRA, 4th SIN
E3: 1st GER, 2nd LAT, 3rd DEN, 4th RSA
R: 1st CHN, 2nd RSA, 3rd SIN, 4th LTU
SF: 1st ITA, 2nd ROM, 3rd BUL, 4th FRA, 5th LAT, 6th SIN
SF: 1st GER, 2nd USA, 3rd UKR, 4th RSA, 5th CHN, 6th DEN
Final B: 7th LAT, 8th CHN, 9th FRA, 10th DEN, 11th RSA, 12th SIN
Final: 1st ROM (Angelica Rosus, Nicoleta Albu) 7.28.03, 2nd GER (Kerstin Hartmann, Katrin Reinert) 7.31.26,
3rd ITA (Lavinia Tinelli, Cristina Romiti) 7.33.10, 4th BUL (Nadejda Slavcheva, Cvetelina Gadevska) 7.44.16,
5th USA (Kari Stenbakken, Desiree Burns) 7.45.57, 6th UKR (Oksana Golub, Ganna Gutsalenko) 8.01.44
Women's Junior Four
E1: 1st ITA, 2nd GER, 3rd POL, 4th NZL, 5th UKR, 6th FRA
E2: 1st BLR, 2nd USA, 3rd CAN, 4th ROM, 5th CZE, 6th LTU
E3: 1st GBR, 2nd ITA, 3rd HUN, 4th AUS, 5th SUI
R1: 1st GER, 2nd NZL, 3rd CAN, 4th FRA, 5th CZE
R2: 1st POL, 2nd USA, 3rd UKR, 4th ROM, 5th LTU
Final B: 7th UKR, 8th CAN, 9th RON, 10th FRA, 11th CZE, 12th LTU
Final: 1st ITA (Claudia Wurzel, Cleonice Renzetti, Denise Tremul, Camilla Espana) 6.59.82, 2nd BLR (Hanna
Kazlova, Nadzeya Belskaya, Marya Dubik, Natallia Koshal) 7.04.25, 3rd GER (Janina Bornschein, Josephine
Foerster, Tina Schneemann, Johanna Davids) 7.05.66, 4th POL (Katarzyna Wolna, Kinga Kantorska, Kornelia
Nitzler, Anna Jankowska) 7.07.00, 5th NZL (Suzannah Nixon, Rebecca Ryall, Liz Jerrat, Rachel Arbuckle)
7.09.66, 6th USA (Lori Gordon, Sarah Gribler, Adrienne Mecham, Jordan Peek) 7.10.87
Women's Junior Eight
E1: 1st ROM, 2nd GBR, 3rd PO, 4th RUS
E2: 1st GER, 2nd USA, 3rd CZE
R: 1st GBR, 2nd USA, 3rd RUS, 4th CZE, 5th POL
Final: 1st GER (Nora Hermans, Carolin Helmholz, Kathrin Thiem, Silke Mueller, Sandra Dallof, Anika Kniest,
Claudia Ruehr, Anna Korge, Elisabeth Baer) 6.46.69, 2nd ROM (Angelica Rosus, Andrea Toader, Aurelia Liliana
Preda, Cristina Mihaela Ilie, Alina Vieru, Adriana Maria Bejenar, Andreea Harpa, Nicoleta Albu, Adelina
Dumbrava) 6.48.72, 3rd GBR (Louise Connell, Rachael Jefferies, Victoria Bryant, Helen Blevins, Hayley Crombie,
Danielle Graham, Stephanie Mcdowall, Frances Fletcher, Zoe De Toledo) 6.50.94, 4th USA (Caitlin Mcgrath,
Anne Gayman, Elizabeth Demers, Erin Knox, Lauren Hofmayer, Ellie Logan, Alie Fishman, Jennifer Cromwell,
Ariel Frost) 6.53.95, 5th RUS (Ksenya Suvirova, Natalia Kozlova, Ekaterina Gulchuk, Ekaterina Konevskaya,
Elena Alekseeva, Anna` Maltseva, Jana Barinova, Tatiana Jabrova, Veronika Ryashentseva) 6.55.95, 6th CZE
(Katerina Francova, Katerina Sulcova, Sarka Kloudova, Tereza Kocianova, Klara Mikluscakova, Monika Fulleova,
Barbora Zednikova, Lenka Chovanakova, Jana Bilikova) 7.01.50