1995 World Junior Championships– Poznan Poland
Programme Cover
The team was thrown into total disarray over a severe bout of food poisoning affecting more than half of the team's rowers. Australia was the worst affected team. Some 60 rowers from several countries were impacted by salmonella poisoning traced to eggs provided to the team at breakfast early in the week prior to racing. Many athletes were too weak to walk. The coaches, manager and doctor were stretched to the limit managing the situation. It was not until well into the regatta (Thursday) that the situation was under control.
Team manager Peter Huggett said that the determination, courage and will of the Australian athletes was great and the results showed this. The team wanted to continue to race to keep boats qualified for later rounds. FISA gave some leniency on the substitution rule for affected rowers. However the team doctor withdrew the men's coxless four and double scull despite the crews wanting to race.
The team that raced was put together from those capable of racing. Hence you will note two men's junior coxless fours mentioned above, the crew selected and the crew that ended up racing. The only crews unaffected were the men's coxed four from the Shore School in NSW, the men's pair from Queensland and the men's and women's single scullers.
One of the two gold medal crews was created from the havoc. The women's pair was originally selected as Kerryn Hill and Emily Hayes. Kerryn Hill was forced out through illness and Shea Crumlin taken from the withdrawn women's eight. They struggled to make the combination work during the regatta but it clicked in a superb race in the final.
Team manager Peter Huggett was naturally very critical of the Polish organizing committee.
Results – Men
Men's Junior Single Scull
E1: 1st RUS, 2nd BUL, 3rd GRE, 4th MEX, 5th ESA, 6th SIN
E2: 1st AUS, 2nd SVK, 3rd URU, 4th SUI, 5th UKR
E3: 1st FRA, 2nd NOR, 3rd NED, 4th LAT, 5th PUR
E4: 1st POL, 2nd BEL, 3rd ISR, 4th JPN, 5th KAZ
E5: 1st SLO, 2nd GER, 3rd IRL, 4th LTU, 5th YUG
E6: 1st FIN, 2nd RSA, 3rd USA , 4th EST, 5th PHI
R1: 1st RSA, 2nd IRL, 3rd JPN, 4th PUR
R2: 1st GER, 2nd LAT, 3rd UKR, 4th ISR, 5th SIN
R3: 1st BEL, 2nd NED, 3rd SUI, 4th ESA
R4: 1st NOR, 2nd URU, 3rd MEX, 4th PHI
R5: 1st GRE, 2nd YUG, 3rd SVK, 4th EST
R6: 1st BUL, 2nd USA , 3rd LTU, 4th KAZ
SF1: 1st AUS, 2nd RUS, 3rd NOR, 4th YUG, 5th BEL, 6th USA
SF2: 1st IRL, 2nd FRA, 3rd POL, 4th BUL, 5th GRE, 6th LAT
SF3: 1st GER, 2nd SLO, 3rd NED, 4th RSA, 5th URU, 6th FIN
Final E: 25th ISR, 26th KAZ, 27th ESA, 28th PHI, 29th PUR
Final D: 19th SVK, 20th SUI, 21st LTU, 22nd MEX, 23rd UKR, 24th JPN
Final C: 13th USA , 14th LAT, 15th FIN, 16th BEL, 17th GRE, 18th URU
Final B: 7th POL, 8th BUL, 9th YUG, 10th NOR, 11th RSA, 12th NED
Final: 1st GER 7:00.05 (Marcel Hacker), 2nd SLO 7:02.69, 3rd RUS 7:05.31, 4th FRA 7:06.16, 5th IRL 7:15.28,
6th AUS 7:16.64
Robert Mill performed superbly to win his heat and semi-final but was not on form in the final. The winning sculler Marcel Hacker, like many junior champions, has gone on to a leading senior sculler.
Men's Junior Double Scull
E1: 1st ITA, 2 nd NZL, 3 rd CAN, 4 th TUR, 5 th MAR, 6 th AUS
E2: 1st YUG, 2 nd HUN, 3 rd RUS, 4 th EST, 5 th PAK, 6 th TKM
E3: 1st BLR, 2nd ARG, 3rd GBR, 4th SWE, 5th PER
E4: 1st AUT, 2nd JPN, 3rd SLO, 4th CHN, 5th SIN
E5: 1st GER, 2nd CRO, 3rd POR, 4th URU, 5th GUA
E6: 1st DEN, 2nd ESP, 3rd UKR, 4th POL, 5th MYA
R1: 1st ESP, 2nd POR, 3rd CHN, 4th PER, 5th TKM
R2: 1st CRO, 2nd SLO, 3rd SWE, 4th PAK
R3: 1st JPN, 2nd GBR, 3rd EST, 4th MAR
R4: 1st ARG, 2nd RUS, 3rd TUR, 4th MYA
R5: 1st CAN, 2nd POL, 3rd HUN, 4th GUA
R6: 1st UKR, 2nd URU, 3rd NZL, 4th SIN
SF1: 1st BLR, 2nd ARG, 3rd YUG, 4th CAN, 5th URU, 6th POR
SF2: 1st GER, 2nd UKR, 3rd ESP, 4th AUT, 5th GBR, 6th SLO
SF3: 1st DEN, 2nd CRO, 3rd POL, 4th JPN, 5th RUS, 6th ITA
Final E: 25th CHN, 26th GUA, 27th PER, 28 th TKM, 29th MYA, 30th SIN, 31st MAR
Final D: 19th HUN, 20th NZL, 21st SWE, 22nd TUR, 23rd EST, 24th PAK
Final C: 13th ITA, 14th GBR, 15th SLO, 16th URU, 17th RUS, 18th POR
Final B: 7th YUG, 8th ESP, 9th AUT, 10th JPN, 11th POL, 12th CAN
Final: 1st GER 6:35.61 (Johannes Barth & Stefan Roehnert), 2nd DEN 6:39.87, 3rd CRO 6:39.93, 4th BLR
6:45.22, 5th UKR 6:46.73, 6th ARG 6:47.30
Men's Junior Quad Scull
E1: 1st ITA, 2nd NED, 3rd FRA, 4th CRO, 5th LTU
E2: 1st ESP, 2nd AUS, 3rd GBR, 4th DEN, 5th YUG
E3: 1st SWE, 2nd SLO, 3rd NOR, 4th POL, 5th BRA
E4: 1st GER, 2nd SUI, 3rd RUS, 4th CZE
R1: 1st DEN, 2nd SUI, 3rd NOR, 4th LTU
R2: 1st GBR, 2nd SLO, 3rd CRO
R3: 1st FRA, 2nd CZE, 3rd AUS, 4th BRA
R4: 1st NED, 2nd POL, 3rd RUS, 4th YUG
SF1: 1st ITA, 2nd FRA, 3rd NED, 4th SLO, 5th ESP, 6th SUI
SF2: 1st GER, 2nd SWE, 3rd CZE, 4th DEN, 5th POL, 6th GBR
SF3: 1st CRO, 2nd YUG, 3rd NOR, 4th BRA
SF4: 1st AUS, 2nd RUS, 3rd LTU
Final D: 18th BRA, 19th LTU
Final C: 13th AUS, 14th CRO, 15th YUG, 16th RUS, 17th NOR
Final B: 7th GBR, 8th ESP, 9th SLO, 10th POL, 11th SUI, 12th DEN
Final: 1st ITA 6:05.35, 2nd FRA 6:07.66, 3rd NED 6:09.91, 4th SWE 6:10.93, 5th GER 6:12.09, 6th CZE 6:14.50
The Australian crew raced through despite illness and the fine performance in the C final showed more of their true form.
Men's Junior Coxless Pair
E1: 1st GER, 2nd AUS, 3rd SUI, 4th LTU, 5th SVK, 6th TKM
E2: 1st ESP, 2nd SLO, 3rd ITA, 4th NOR, 5th BRA, 6th POL
E3: 1st FRA, 2nd GBR, 3rd CRO, 4th GRE, 5th BUL, 6th UKR
R1: 1st ITA, 2nd AUS, 3rd GRE, 4th POL, 5th SVK
R2: 1st CRO, 2nd SLO, 3rd BRA, 4th LTU, 5th UKR
R3: 1st GBR, 2nd SUI, 3rd NOR, 4th BUL, 5th TKM
SF1: 1st GER, 2nd ESP, 3rd GBR, 4th AUS, 5th SLO, 6th NOR
SF2: 1st FRA, 2nd ITA, 3rd CRO, 4th GRE, 5th SUI, 6th BRA
Final C: 13th LTU, 14th BUL, 15th SVK, 16th POL, 17th UKR, 18th TKM
Final B: 7th AUS 7:12.78, 8th SUI 7:14.06, 9th SLO 7:14.77, 10th NOR 7:16.74, 11th GRE 7:18.65, 12th BRA
Final: 1st FRA 6:57.63 (Julien Valla & Pierrick Vatan), 2nd GER 7:01.98, 3rd ESP 7:02.54, 4th GBR 7:03.17,
5th ITA 7:13.38, 6th CRO 7:19.24
Men's Junior Coxed Pair
Final B: 7th USA , 8th LTU, 9th POR
Final: 1st GER, 2nd CRO, 3rd POL, 4th UKR, 5th GBR, 6th ITA
Men's Junior Coxless Four
E1: 1st SLO, 2nd AUT, 3rd CHN, 4th CRO, 5th TUR, 6th ROM
E2: 1st ESP, 2nd FRA, 3rd POL, 4th CZE, 5th AUS
E3: 1st DEN, 2nd GBR, 3rd GER, 4th BRA, 5th CAN
R1: 1st AUS, 2nd FRA, 3rd BRA, 4th CHN
R2: 1st GER, 2nd AUT, 3rd CZE, 4th TUR
R3: 1st GBR, 2nd POL, 3rd CRO, 4th CAN
SF1: 1 st DEN, 2 nd GER, 3rd FRA, 4th SLO, 5th POL, 6th CZE
SF2: 1st AUS, 2nd GBR, 3rd ESP, 4th AUT, 5th BRA, 6th CRO
Final C: 13th CAN, 14th CHN, 15th TUR
Final B: 7th POL, 8th AUT, 9th SLO, 10th CRO, 11th CZE, 12th BRA
Final: 1st DEN 6:15.05 (Rasmus Kalle Nielson, Lars Ohlander, Claus Kjarulff-Jorgensen, Morten Riis), 2nd
AUS 6:17.78, 3rd ESP 6:19.55, 4th GBR 6:20.26, 5th GER 6:24.64, 6th FRA 6:30.09
Men's Junior Coxed Four
E1: 1st BLR, 2nd AUS, 3rd ESP, 4th ROM, 5th RUS
E2: 1st POL, 2nd CRO, 3rd ITA, 4th CZE, 5th GRE
E3: 1st GER, 2nd USA, 3rd GBR, 4th EGY
R: 1st ROM, 2nd RUS, 3rd CZE, 4th EGY
SF1: 1st BLR, 2nd CRO, 3rd GER, 4th GBR, 5th ESP, 6th RUS
SF2: 1st AUS, 2nd ROM, 3rd ITA, 4th POL, 5th USA , 6th CZE
Final B: 7th USA , 8th POL, 9th GBR, 10th ESP, 11th CZE, 12th RUS
Final: 1st AUS 6:35.77, 2nd CRO 6:37.02, 3rd BLR 6:41.15, 4th ROM 6:41.79, 5th GER 6:47.68, 6th ITA 6:48.29
Men's Junior Eight
E1: 1st GER, 2nd ESP, 3rd SUI, 4th CRO, 5th CZE
E2: 1st USA , 2nd ITA, 3rd GBR, 4th AUS, 5th DEN
E3: 1st UKR, 2nd POL, 3rd BEL, 4th RUS, 5th RSA
R: 1st RUS, 2nd CRO, 3rd CZE, 4th DEN, 5th RSA
SF1: 1st GER, 2nd USA , 3rd SUI, 4th POL, 5th GBR, 6th CZE
SF2: 1st BEL, 2nd UKR, 3rd ITA, 4th ESO, 5th RUS, 6th CRO
Final C: 13th DEN, 14th RSA
Final B: 7th POL, 8th RUS, 9th ESP, 10th GBR, 11th CZE, 12th CRO
Final: 1st GER, 2nd USA , 3rd SUI, 4th ITA, 5th BEL, 6th UKR
The Australian eight with a substitution rowed the heat but were unable to continue. The healthy rowers rowed in other boats.
Australian Team
Men's Junior Single Scull – Sixth
- Robert Mill (QLD)
- Cch: Robin Bakker (QLD)
Men's Junior Double Scull – Did not race beyond heat due to illness
- Bow: Tim Perkins (WA)
- Str: Cameron Taylor (QLD)
- Cch: Nick Garrett (WA)
Stuart Reside was originally selected but withdrew due to food poisoning. This above combination raced the heat to qualify for the next round but the crew was withdrawn after the heat to allow Taylor to concentrate on his pair oared event.
Men's Junior Quad Scull – Thirteenth
- Bow: Tom Edwards (TAS)
- 2: Alex Worthington (SA)
- 3: Jonothan Fievez (WA)
- Str: Karl Parker (NSW)
- Cch: Lindsay Callaghan (NSW)
Men's Junior Pair – Seventh
- Bow: Cameron Taylor (QLD)
- Str: Andrew Service (QLD)
- Cch: Tom Jack (QLD)
Men's Junior Coxless Four – Silver
- Bow: Grant Precians (NSW)
- 2: Stephen Stewart (NSW)
- 3: Zachary Kirkham (NSW)
- Str: Adam Woodward (NSW)
- Cch: Andrew Randell (NSW)
This crew was created after the withdrawal of the selected crew due to food poisoning. This crew comprised members from the men's eight which was also withdrawn due to food poisoning. A 100% crew substitution was approved by FISA.
Selected Men's Junior Coxless Four – Did not row beyond heat due to food poisoning
- Bow: Nigel Sullivan (VIC)
- 2: Tom Hodgson (VIC)
- 3: Bill Tait (VIC)
- Str: Simon Gadsen (VIC)
- Cch: Peter Somerville (VIC)
This crew was totally withdrawn. Indeed, it did not even race the heat with a full crew impacted by the illness.
Men's Junior Coxed Four - Gold
- Bow: James Armati (NSW)
- 2: Samuel Wallrock (NSW)
- 3: Andrew Waite (NSW)
- Str: Michael Wiseman (NSW)
- Cox: Carter Mullins (NSW)
- Cch: Michael Doyle (NSW)
This was the only sweep crew unaffected by food poisoning and it raced in it's original condition.
Men's Junior Eight – did not race past the heat due to illness
- Bow: James Armati (NSW)
- 2: Grant Precians (NSW)
- 3: Stephen Stewart (NSW)
- 4: Tom Hodgson (VIC)
- 5: Daniel Noble (NSW)
- 6: Adam Woodward (NSW)
- 7: Zachary Kirkham (NSW)
- Str: Michael Parkes (NSW)
- Cox: Oliver Pennington (NSW)
- Cch: Andrew Randell (NSW)
The selected crew contained the following two rowers who were impacted by food poisoning: Alex Headley (NSW ) and Stuart Welch (NSW). The heat was raced using other rowers to qualify for the next round. However the crew was withdrawn as the substitutes were required to race in their selected events.
Women's Junior Single Scull – Eleventh
- Dana Faletic (TAS)
- Cch: Paul Harvey (TAS)
Women's Junior Pair – Gold
- Bow: Shea Crumlin (NSW)
- Str: Emily Haynes (SA)
- Cch: Andrew Pierce (SA)
Women's Junior Four – Sixth
- Bow: Deidre Coates (NSW)
- 2: Mina Obradivic (NSW)
- 3: Jenni Vesnaver (SA)
- Str: Melissa Nyveld (SA)
- Cch: Andrew Pierce (SA) and Debbie Fox (NSW)
Women's Junior Eight – did not race due to illness
- Bow: Kerryn Hill (SA)
- 2: Melissa Nyveld (SA)
- 3: Jenni Vesnaver (SA)
- 4: Deidre Coates (NSW)
- 5: Mina Obradovic (NSW)
- 6: Shea Crumlin (NSW)
- 7: Kristina Larsen (NSW)
- Str: Emily Haynes (SA)
- Cox: E Bishop (NSW)
- Cchs: Debbie Fox (NSW) & Andrew Pierce (SA)
Manager: Peter Huggett (QLD)
Doctor: Dr Steve Hinchy (QLD)
Selector & Head Coach: Simon Gillett (VIC)
Results – Women
Women's Junior Single Scull
E1: 1st DEN, 2nd SLO, 3rd HUN, 4th SWE, 5th PUR
E2: 1st ISR, 2nd JPN, 3rd CHN, 4th RUS, 5th BEL
E3: 1st GER, 2nd FRA, 3rd LAT, 4th ITA, 5th AUS
E4: 1st SUI, 2nd ISR, 3rd MEX, 4th BUL, 5th UKR
R1: 1st SLO, 2nd ITA, 3rd CHN, 4th UKR
R2: 1st LAT, 2nd BUL, 3rd JPN, 4th PUR
R3: 1st FRA, 2nd MEX, 3rd SWE, 4th BEL
R4: 1st ISR, 2nd AUS, 3rd RUS, 4th HUN
SF1: 1st GER, 2nd DEN, 3rd LAT, 4th ITA, 5th ISR, 6th MEX
SF2: 1st SLO, 2nd FRA, 3rd SUI, 4th AUS, 5th BUL, 6th ISL
Final D: 19th BEL, 20th CHN
Final C: 13th SWE, 14th JPN, 15th UKR, 16th HUN, 17th RUS, 18th PUR
Final B: 7th ITA, 8th ISR, 9th BUL 10th MEX, 11th AUS, 12th ISL
Final: 1st GER 7:40.33 (Meike-Maria Evers), 2nd DEN 7:43.44, 3rd SLO 7:49.42, 4th FRA 7:57.94, 5th SUI
7:58.41, 6th LAT 8:08.20
Women's Junior Double Scull
Final B: 7th RUS, 8th EST, 9th POL, 10th ESP, 11th SVK
Final: 1st GER 7:19.69, 2nd AUT 7:22.46, 3rd NED 7:24.92, 4th ITA 7:33.52, 5th SWE 7:34.70, 6th FRA 7:36.39
Women's Junior Quad Scull
Final C: 13th JPN, 14th RUS
Final B: 7th HUN, 8th SUI, 9th CZE, 10th AUT, 11th POR, 12th CHN
Final: 1st GER 6:36.41, 2nd ESP 6:42.16, 3rd POL 6:44.30, 4th SWE 6:49.72, 5th BLR 6:55.21, 6th UKR 6:58.43
Women's Junior Pair
E1: 1st RUS, 2nd FRA, 3rd ITA, 4th GBR, 5th AUS
E2: 1st GER, 2nd USA, 3rd BUL, 4th LTU
R1: 1st FRA, 2nd GBR, 3rd BUL
R2: 1st ITA, 2nd AUS, 3rd USA , 4th LTU
Final B: 7th USA , 8th BUL, 9th LTU
Final: 1st AUS 7:59.68, 2nd GER 8:00.19, 3rd RUS 8:00.85, 4th FRA 8:04.91, 5th ITA 8:08.31, 6th GBR 8:14.39
This new combination arising from the food poisoning struggled to find combination and make the final. However once in the final, they showed what it takes and surged to the lead at the 1000 metre mark. There they held off the fast finishing Germans to take Gold. Team manager Peter Huggett described the feat as amazing.
Women's Junior Four
E1: 1st ROM, 2nd CAN, 3rd NZL, 4th AUS, 5th BEL
E2: 1st GER, 2nd GBR, 3rd UKR, 4th LTU
R: 1st GBR, 2nd CAN, 3rd NZL, 4th AUS, 5th BEL, 6th LTU
Final B: 7th BEL, 8th LTU
Final: 1st GER 7:01.46 (Uta Jander, Andrea Winkler, Sylka Loewe, Sandra Goldbach), 2nd ROM 7:04.22, 3rd
GBR 7:07.15, 4th CAN 7:09.70, 5th NZL 7:10.70, 6th AUS 7:16.93
Women's Junior Eight
Final B: 7th GBR, 8th BUL, 9th USA
Final: 1st GER 6:33.39, 2nd ROM 6:43.45, 3rd UKR 6:47.00, 4th CZE 6:47.53, 5th DEN 6:50.02, 6th RUS 6:58.95