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History of the Queensland GPS Head of the River rowing regatta

Note: This is an excerpt from another page on this website. For a more complete history, see the 2022 NSW Schoolgirls Head of the River.


2022 NSW Schoolgirls Head of the River–
2nd Eight





1st Pymble Ladies 1 - B.Auld, A.Naito, M.Leahy, C.Luxford, S.Wood, T.Morgan, L.Miller, P.Sargeant, Cox: E.Gothard, Coaches: O.Tietz, L.Wykeham-Fiennes

2nd Queenwood - L.Hair, F.Hemming, A.Seve, T.Nowland, S.Williams Bush, A.Roles, O.Dohnt, E.Stock, Cox: S.Fraser, Coaches: A.Bennett, M.Stanistreet

3rd Pymble Ladies 2 - G.Alexander-Easaw, S.Dunn, A.Mufford, A.Dunn, E.Owrid, A.Watts, S.Waters, A.Lakhani, Cox: M.Lin, Coach: E.Johnson

4th Kinross Wolaroi - J.Scammell, S.Luelf, B.Walsh, H.McKay, O.Searle, T.Wong, S.Carter, E.Kirby, Cox: J.Caro, Coaches: A.Cropley, J.Perrin

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