Note: This is an excerpt from another page on this website. For a more complete history, see the 2000 NSW Schoolgirls Head of the River.
2000 NSW Schoolgirls Head of the River–
Open Coxed Quad Scull
1st Pymble Ladies – Bow: Wood, 2: Windeyar, 3: Rinaldi, Str: Butterworth, Cox: Unknown
2nd Queenwood – Bow: Thornborough, 2: Pinkerton, 3: Black, Str: Middeldorp, Cox: Unknown
3rd MLC Sydney – Bow: Catalano, 2: Beard, 3: Jeffers, Str: Willebrands, Cox: Unknown
4th SCEGGS Darlinghurst – Bow: Thodey, 2: Webendorfer, 3: Thompson, Str: Daven, Cox: Unknown
5th Canberra Grammar – Bow: Shorrock, 2: MacFarlane, 3: Hill, Str: Smith, Cox: Unknown
6th Loreto Normanhurst – Bow: Blake, 2: O’Callaghan, 3: Sain, Str: Lynch, Cox: Unknown
7th Redlands – Bow: Carter, 2: Maclean, 3: Ford, Str: Ivett, Cox: Unknown
8th Loreto Kirribilli – Bow: McDermitt, 2: Riordan, 3: Modgson, Str: Higgins, Cox: Unknown