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Australian Rowing History

2009 National Rowing Championships–
Under 23 Men's Coxed Four

Final A






Final A

1st Sydney Composite-AIS/QAS - Bow: Jonathon Trovas [UQBC], 2: Shane Jackson [BANKS], 3: Richard Allsop [SUBC], Str: Dominic Grimm [SRC], Cox: Daniel Licastro [UQBC], Cch: Noel Donaldson, Rhett Ayliffe

2nd Sydney University - Bow: Andrew Conolly, 2: Alistair Matthews, 3: James Goswell, Str: Nick Purnell, Cox: Edward Clarke, Cch: Phillip Bourguignon

3rd Melbourne Uni - Bow: Thomas Simpson, 2: Luke Carey, 3: Lachlan McKenzie, Str: Jack Macciolli, Cox: David Webster, Cch: Ian Wright

4th Adelaide Composite - Bow: Chris Bond [ANA], 2: Jeremy Ellis [ANA], 3: Nathan Taverner [TORR], Str: Imre Zambo [ADEL], Cox: Rowan Ellis [WARC], Cch: Michael Quinn

5th Mercantile - Bow: Christopher Bush, 2: Zachary Smith, 3: Richard Linke, Str: Christopher Bolsin, Cox: Emily O'Brien, Cch: Simon Harrison


See all results from the 2009 National Rowing Championships >>

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