Arthur S Stickland

Yarra Yarra Rowing Club (VIC)
1947 - Elected life member of Yarra Yarra Rowing Club
1961 - Elected Patron of Yarra Yarra Rowing Club
Arthur Stickland joined Yarra Yarra rowing club in early 1920’s. Arthur became involved in the committee he was appointed club secretary soon after, he was secretary when the shed was burnt down with the loss of club records.
During the WWII Arthur held the position of club treasurer as well as that of captain. He was made a life member in 1946/47. Arthur held the unique position that he held all committee positions at Yarra Yarra, secretary, treasurer, captain, president, and patron, the only person in the club’s history to do so.
Arthur’s only win that is recorded in 1931/32 season was in a lightweight maiden eight where he was seated in the 7 seat. We have a photo of that crew, also one at his buck’s party where he is listed as “Joe Stickland” possibly his nick name at the time. He christened a four in 1992 a photo of this is also on file.
Arthur was with Yarra Yarra rowing club for 71 years.
The following additional material was added in June 2024.
Father of fellow member Lyn Rasmussen, cousin to member Bill Johnson
Joined 1923/24 passed away 13/6/1995
Secretary 1927/28 - 1931/32, 1936/37, 1937/38
Captain 1932/33 - 1935/36
Vice president 1937/38 - 1951/52
Treasurer 1940/41, 1941/42
Life member 1946/47 - 1994/95
Patron 1961/62 - 1994/95
President 1972/73, 1973/74
Wins recorded:-
1931 - Metropolitan regatta, lightweight maiden eight (7)
Boats that carried his name:-
- A practice eight in 1933
- A racing eight in1965
- A coxless four in 1992
Bow of an eight named “Arthur Stickland”
1931 Metropolitan regatta lightweight maiden eight Arthur Stickland in 7 seat.
From the YYRC newsletter 'Yarra Yabbie' no10, 1984-3-20
Personalities one associates with Yarra over a very long period, which has been a strong point of the club.
Arthur Stickland our patron, who has held every office in the club.
From the 1971/72 YYRC annual report:-
Our present Patron, Arthur S Stickland, paved a considerable part towards re-building the clubhouse in 1929. His expert advice has continued in many ways since then. Arthur Stickland, E M Wilson and Edward Woolcock are now the Trustees for Yarra Yarra R C.
From the Yarra Yabbie no 46, 1993-1-20
The Christmas break up and christening was a happy and enjoyable day, with Christmas luncheon served with a smile. Thanks girls. The highlight was the attendance of our patron, Arthur Stickland.
A member since 1923, he has held every position in the club and is a hands on clubman i.e. when the old shed got a bit of a lean. Arthur borrowed a truck and managed to pull it straight, He is still helping in the 1990’s, and through his substantial donation for the rebuilt facilities we see in the shed.
It is our privilege to have another boat (state of the art four) named Arthur Stickland. We thank his daughter for bringing dad down for the day.
Another story about this incident says it was Ben Kelly who used the truck to straighten the shed’s lean. Which story is correct we don’t know?
1992 boat christening Arthur standing on left.
From the YYRC newsletter 'Yarra Yabbie' no57, 1995-7-20
Vale our patron
Arthur Stickland joined the club in 1923 and has held every position in the club, always very interested in the clubs wellbeing, a very generous donor to the club over many years.
Arthur started out as a bank officer and progressed into quarrying. He also got to the top in Masonic Lodge as a Grand Lodge Officer.
He was a very private person as the Yabbie tried to get rowing stories from him, but he was a practical person and when the old shed got a lean on it Arthur borrowed a truck and pulled it straight to the detriment of the diff. Our condolences to his daughter and family
Thank you Arthur.
From annual YYRC report 1995/96:-
Mr Arthur Stickland joined Yarra Yarra rowing club in 1923, being brought to the Club by his cousin Mr Bill Johnson. The year after, in 1924, Arthur became club treasurer and held this position until 1928 when he was appointed club secretary, Arthur continued as club secretary until 1932. In 1928 Arthur was appointed club captain and held this position until 1930. Arthur was again appointed captain in 1932 and continued in this position until 1935. In 1940 through 1942 Arthur again held the position of club treasurer.
Arthur was appointed as the patron of Yarra Yarra rowing club in1962 and remained in this position until his death in 1995 (34 years).
Few people have contributed as much to Yarra Yarra rowing club.
Arthur was with Yarra Yarra rowing club for 71 years.
Arthur was the secretary when the boathouse fire happened, on 28 January 1929
The club has a digital copy of the minute’s book from 31 January 1929 until 3 March 1949 with minutes following the fire. A S Stickland was secretary at the meeting held on 1 February 1929.
Jim Skidmore
April 2022 (updated June 2024)