G B (Ted) Stewart

Yarra Yarra Rowing Club (VIC)
G B (Ted) Stewart
Joined 1956/57 & 1957/58 honorary member
Active membership 1958/59 to 1983/84
Returned to honorary membership 1984/85 till his passing away.
He passed away August 2018
Ted rowed in New Zealand came to Australia to watch the Melbourne 1956 Olympics,
He did not row for Yarra but was a keen supporter of the club a regular attendee at the Sunday social gathering until ill health prevented him from traveling.
In the 1970’s Yarra bought 2 tub sculls in kit form, Ted used his carpentry skills to assemble them.
His name was on the bow of one of the tub sculls that he fitted out.
From YYRC newsletter 'Yarra Yabbie' no 31, 11/9/2018
Vale Ted Stewart
Whilst Ted did not row (that we recall) he was an active member and passionate member of the club.
Ted came to Melbourne from New Zealand to watch the Olympics in 1956 and never left. A carpenter by trade, he was employed by one of the television stations making props for various television shows. This skill stood him good stead for those awkward “how are we going to fix this” boat repairs. This skill came in handy when the club bought two tub scull kits which was a fibreglass mould to which wooden struts etc. had to be fitted. Ted did a brilliant job.
On occasion, Ted could be persuaded to do the Haka much to the delight of other members.
Our thoughts are with his family at this time.
1989 photo club at the dinner, Ted Stewart on far right.
2005 at that the last function of the old shed, Ted on the left.
Jim Skidmore
June 2024