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australian rowers profiles and history

Arthur Burton

Commercial Rowing Club (QLD)

Jack Pritchard in his book Rowing in Queensland reported on the death of Arthur as follows.

The death of A. Burton was also reported in the Commercial R.C. Annual Report. He had been elected an Honorary Life Member of the Q.R.A. in 1930, had been Honorary Secretary in 1896/97, coach of several Queensland crews, acted as a boat race official for many years, and in 1912 had been President of a sub­committee appointed to consider how to improve rowing in Queensland. 

Known rowing record

1896-07 - Subscriber Delegate to the Queensland Rowing Association

1896-97 - Secretary Queensland Rowing Association

1904 - Queensland Rowing Association selector

1910 - Queensland handicapper

1912 - President of a Queensland Rowing Association Committee to find ways to improve rowing in the state

1926-27 - Vice-President of Queensland Rowing Association

1930 - Elected Honorary Life Member of the Queensland Rowing Association

Andrew Guerin
January 2023

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